Chapter 33- A woodland adventure

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"What kind of rumours have been circulating around here without my knowledge?" asked Jenni, a serious look on her face as she took a place near me.

Fanny played with her fingers. Her lips were dry and red, making her seem like a ghost. A less scary one, at least. "My lady, I am not sure when the rumours started. But there have been whispers of it since we returned from Aerabitina." she gulped, hard. "These past days, it has been worse. Some of the other maids swear they have heard noises coming from the woods at night when they were doing their rounds." She bit her underlip for a strained moment before continuing. "They were sounds of bones crushing..."

"Oh Fanny..." said Jenni, coming closer and interlacing her arm with her own. "If that was true, Father would have taken care of it by now."

Yes, he would have scared the ghost...

"Sorry, my lady. You are absolutely right. It is just a baseless rumour." agreed Fanny, while she glanced at the floor in shame.

"Miss Fanny." called Francis, making her lift her chin. "Have ever heard it yourself? These noises." He tilted his head slightly, his hands stuck on his waist.

Fanny shifted her eyes from one side to another, her head frozen. It looked as if she was trying to look for something to say. But when she talked, it came slow and precise. "Yes, your highness. Once."

"Really?" asked Jenni, surprised. Her hand patted Fanny's trembling arm. "Why didn't you say anything earlier? Father would have heard your concerns and he would have gone to investigate it himself."

"I didn't want to worry you, my ladies or the duke. Besides, there is no proof..."

"Most interesting indeed..." said Francis, circling around us, hands on his back. His steps were slow, though filled with elegance. He had his back on us when he concluded, "Maybe we should investigate."

He had turned slightly his head to us, making it possible for me to see the beginnings of a mischievous smirk.

A royal prince bored... goddess help us...

"Great idea Francis!!" exclaimed Cedric, approaching Wolff with a wide grin. "That way, we make sure that Miss Fanny can be relaxed during the night. Right?" he asked Wolff, tapping on his back.

The poor boy's body went crimson, and he recoiled. The only answer he gave was a shy nod.

I threw a look at Fanny, and to my surprise, I saw a sharp pink forming on her cheeks. Though she hid it well when she cast her eyes away from me.

Tooooooo cuteeeee. Too much for my heart.

Before I could drown in their cuteness, Amelia's piercing voice called for our attention. "But it could be an animal. We should carry weapons."

Until that moment, her presence had been more restrained, watchful. And she continued to be the last. However, with those intense eyes and feral excitement, she was now far from being restrained.

"Correct." offered Eloise, same smile as always, though more cautious. "But if it is a ghost, normal weapons wouldn't work."

At that, Fanny shivered, recoiling under Jenni's grasp.

"Are we sure it could be a ghost, though? Do those exist???" I asked more to myself, thinking hard about the possibility.

Wheels turned. This was a different world, a magical world. There could be ghosts... I saw death.

Yes, the incompetent one. The one with whom I owned a very long and very painful conversation.

Indeed, if his actions were any sign, then for sure there were ghosts around these parts... fuck...

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