Chapter 34- Escalation

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Now surrounded by worried people besides the obviously shocked girls, I felt overwhelmed.

Cedric, livid, pushed through the girls and went our way. Jenni was still hugging me and crying over my shoulder.

Careful, but decisive he touched softly my bruised cheek. I barely could feel his touch but I sensed the cooling sensation from his fingertips and his intense scarlet eyes burning into my skin.

Where did this eight-year-old get his mojo?!

Seriously writer, calm down with this main character charisma, it's distracting!

As fast as he came to my side he turned to face the girls, who were too afraid to say anything besides scattered speech. Though, by now Raphaela bitch was already on her feet.

"Who?! Who dared touch a friend of mine? A friend of the Moon Empire!" Cedric's angry voice startled the ladies, who started to cry in unison.

I was taken back by his severe tone, commanding and full of hatred. I was unable to intervene right away since I was occupied with helping Jenni recover from her crying state. Though I wasn't sure I wanted to be in the crossfire. Cedric's anger was no joke to take.

In the book, it was known how bad he could be when irked. Not something I wanted to feel for myself.

Prince Francis, the fox, came closer to Cedric in apparent calmness and took the scissors from the wet ground. It still had some of my blood in it, which made Wolff flinch his nose. His fluffy ears set back as a sign of weariness. Fridh was his expressionless self and just looked at the scene unfolding. 

I could only see Cedric's back, but I could sense a raging air on him. Francis, however, was still his collected self, analyzing everything. He glanced at me and Jenni, who was now slightly recovered and stayed by my side, clenching my hand. She was sniffing on a very beautiful embroidered handkerchief, tears falling from her pretty face. The sun prince soon turned his attention to the ladies and put a hand on Cedric's shoulder for a small moment. I saw him giving a light press on his angry friend's upper body.

"Ladies, attacking  a daughter of a Great Duke is not an appropriate behavior for a Lady." Said Francis in a calm and knowing way. His hand had, by now, left Cedric's shoulder.

"... your highness..." started the marquis daughter, crying loudly. "We didn't hurt Lady Lucreatia, it was she who did it herself."


The foxy prince gave me a side glance, while I tried to avoid it by calming Jenni instead.

"Oh dare you!" Yelled Cedric, ending the cries of the ladies. And almost as if they had rehearsed it the ladies took a step back together. 

"Are you saying Lady Raphaela that you four came here to socialize with Lady Lucreatia and she ended up hurting herself with your scissors?" He showed the bloody object and it was then that I saw the coat of arms of Marquis of Rivera carved in the sharp object. An oak boat with an eagle flying over it. She indeed was a dumb girl." You were so keen to have lady Lucreatia socialize with you and the ladies. Was this what you meant? I  must confess I never heard of such trend among the female social etiquette." Retorted Francis, with an ironic voice.

The girls stayed quiet. And before anyone could continue this discussion, a word came from prince Francis's mouth that made me feel sorry for the girls...


I turned my head to the right and saw a pale and enraged Duke coming to our side in wide steps. He said nothing and just walked, as the Marquis came rushing to his daughter, making an even bigger fuss.

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