35-Pissed off

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Kinuka's POV

I've been training for about 4 hours now, using magic, combat, plants, shifting, even aerial attacks. With help from the others we've made an underground Bunker for the children, elderly, the sick, and anyone else who couldn't fight. Isadora begrudgingly wouldn't stand down from wanting to fight so we made her promise to always be near one of us during the battle.

The last thing I want is for anyone to get hurt, but the only way to do that is by killing the man that did this to us.

As me and Adia are talking about where we need to improve a guard comes running up to us

"Good afternoon Ben" I spoke warmly
"G-good afternoon Luna, I-I received a letter with the s-same symbol from last time" he caught his breath

Once he gave it to me I thanked him and rushed off with Adia to find the others.

15 minutes later we are all gathered in a meeting room

"Whats happened this time?" Questioned Leo
"We got another note" Answered Ashley
"What is it this time" Sighed Enzo

I opened the letter and read it aloud
Good Afternoon Hera, I do hope this note finds you and your.....comrades well. I've decided to have our little fight on the 25, the same day you brats decided to escape from your home. It will be in two weeks from now so  I hope you can get your affairs in order before I bring you all back. But for my sake do please try not to to get hurt, I'd like to do that part myself.

"THAT FUCKING BASTARD!" Roared my father

The twins were both turning red from anger, something that never happens. Enzos hair was floating as if he were in water and the white parts of his eyes were almost gone. Isadora looked terrified. Lilith and Jiya stayed calm, Colton, Zayden and Basil all looked between pissed and scared. Everyone else was either beyond angry or sad. And me? I was scared beyond comprehension.

"He will not hurt any of you" croaked out Vincent "we have been training for the last month, Tobias's pack will be helping, and the king has sent over his best warriors."

"When I met Kinuka I promised her I'd protect her with everything I have, thay applies tou you all as well. You all are her family and in the time that I've known you I've come to care for you as well. That man will never get his hands on any of you and with the very slim chance that he does I will rain down hell on him, do you all understand me?" He spoke in a strong voice

There was a chorus of 'yes' and 'understood'. Alot of us were teary eyed and Isadora ran up to Vincent's arms and bawled her eyes out.

I then left the room to inform every person that would be involved. As I walked I felt my hair get longer and glow a burning shade of green. I was pissed! We escaped, and we lived. We were supposed to have a good childhood, a good life! And when we are getting so close ge wants to take it from us. AGAIN!

I flew out the nearest window and over the training grounds

"Everyone listen up" my voice echoed causing everyone to stop

"The battle will be happening in two weeks time, so rest up, eat, spend time with the ones you love. Because I cannot guarantee that we will all live. But I promise you that as you all fight alongside me, I will do my best to fight alongside you as well." I promised

The warriors cheered while chanting 'Luna Kinuka'

He will not win, not again, not EVER

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