6-Calm Down

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Kinuka's POV

As quickly as I could I jumped out of Vincents lap and ran over to Ashley hugging her tightly.

"I-I'm fine Ash, you need to calm d-down before your wolf gets control" I spoke nervously

Did these people hurt you?" she growled lowly
"N-no they didn't I swear, he helped me after I twisted my ankle" I told her pointing to Vincent then my slightly swollen ankle
"Would you bitches chill out already I was tryna enjoy my night" Spoke an angry yet drunk man
"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL US?!" Growled Ashley
"YEAH I'LL CALM DOWN RIGHT AFTER WE LEAVE! Lets go Kiki!" She yelled grabbing my hand lightly
"Like hell am I letting you leave with my mate" Spoke Vincent in  scary but calm tone

Ashley stopped and then looked at me.
"He's your mate?" she whispered
I nodded too shy to speak
She froze looked up and asked

"What's your name, who's your pack, and what's the name of your alpha" she spoke pulling me behind her protectively
"Why should I answer you?" asked Vincent
"Because I'm her imprinter, best friend, and basically her only family. Now I won't ask again" She said in a low voice

Vincent answered while looking me in the eyes the entire time
"My name is Vincent Moretti, my pack is the Sacred Moon Howlers, and my Alpha is Vincent Moretti" he spoke softly
My eyes widened in surprise
"Y-you're an Alpha?" I spoke nervously
"Yes coniglia, I was going to tell you once you got more comfortable" he spoke, nervousness showing in his eyes

Ashley then kneeled showing her neck
"I'm sorry I disrespected you. My first instinct for both me and my wolf was to protect Kinuka. I hope you can forgive me." she spoke in a calm tone

While Ashley is very protective of me, the one thing she will never do is disrespect an alpha. Before she came to our current pack she had a very mean Alpha who had abused her and many others. That was another thing we had in common, we both have physical and or mental trauma.

"You are forgiven, im just happy that my little compagna has someone to protect her." Vincent looked at her with an almost invisible smile [mate]

"Alpha Vincent do you think we can talk back at our pack? Our Alpha worries about Kiki being out too late because of the type of person she is." She spoke after standing up. I then grabbed her hand trying to hide behind her a little

"And what type of person is she?" Leonardo spoke for the first time wearing a small smirk looking at Ashley
"S-She can be a bit naive at times. which is why she never leaves pack grounds without me or someone I trust" Ashley spoke with an extremely rare blush

I gasped then spoke, bouncing a little out of excitement "Ash found her mate! Leo and Ash are mates!"
"L-let's go. I parked out font you guys can follow behind us" Ash spoke trying to hide her face
"OR-" Spoke Enzo "mates can ride together in one car while I take the other"
"Mate is it okay if my friend drives your car and you direct us to your pack?" questioned Leo
"Sure, just don't scratch it" she spoke towards Enzo
"Don't worry I won't"
"W-wait what about paige?" I asked Ashley
"Kiki, I trusted her to watch you tonight. I think it's best if she worries a bit to learn her lesson" Spoke Ash looking angry
About 5 minutes later we were all in our seperate cars. Vincent made me sit in the back with him so that I could sit in his lap, not gonna lie but I was super nervous. Ashley was in the passenger seat directing Leo as he drove. All of a sudden Ashley spoke up
"Kiki, mindlink our Alpha and tell him we're bringing over company"
"Okay" I said in a small voice

"Alpha Tobias?" I asked nervously
"Hello Kinuka how are you doing?" He spoke in a light tone
"I-I'm fine but I was wondering if it was okay for me and Ashley to bring some company?"
"What kind of company?" he spoke in a calm tone
"An Alpha, Beta, and a Third-in-command?"
"And why are they comming onto our territory?"
"Kinuka, you don't have to worry you won't be in trouble I just need an explenation"
I whined before proceeding "I-I'm mated to the Alpha and Ashley is mated to the third-in-command"

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