Know That They Make

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The school week has gone by in a blur. I head into my library and start to dig through the books Lucian had placed on the shelves last week. He's placed books on one whole bookcase. While Valentino has placed books on all the other shelves. I end up pulling out a dingy book. Once I move that said book; a small leather book falls out from behind it.

Right on my foot. That smaller book is heavier than you would think.

I place the original book I have back onto the shelf and pick up the mysterious book from my foot. I walk to my desk in the corner and turn my lamp on. I nest into my chair and open the small book to see the front cover page.

"Belongs to Lucian Romeo Rossi."

I open the first page and see an entry.....

This is his journal.

His thoughts.

Don't read this.

Do it! We might find so dirt on his ass.

It's his private thoughts!

So! Read it.

I shouldn't read it, but I go against my better judgement and listen to the devilish voice in my head and the one on my shoulder. I guess it is true. Everyone has an Angel on one shoulder and the Devil on the other.

"August 2rd. xxxx"

This was just a little over 2 years ago. He was only 12 almost 13 at the time.

Holy shit.

"I feel numb at times. The pain I felt for years is still there. However, I just ignore it. Pushed it aside if you shall say. I made myself go numb. My body at time rolls in anger. My brain is that.... Angry. You would think after all these years I'd be over my anger..... Well, I haven't. It's gotten worse since Gemma disappeared. It's got worse when my dad found my mother with a note and a gunshot wound. That was the day I hated my little sister. The day I wish she had died. Hell! I wish she was never born."

Ouch that kind of hurts. I start a debate with the devil on shoulder. Should I flip the page or should I throw this journal out the window. Devil on my shoulder won because I end up flipping the page to a new entry.

"August 12th"

"Happy birthday to me. Yup! Today is my birthday. Yet, I don't celebrate it really. I haven't since mom died. She died the day after I turned 10. My last one I celebrated was my 10th birthday. Dad will try to take us out to eat. My outburst of anger will destroy the dinner. I'll end up grounded. I'll end up lectured by Renzo, Matteo, and Nikolai. Valentino hasn't spoken since our sister was taken. So, he never lectures me. Which I honestly miss. Her disappearance has changed this whole family. I hope she's dead."

A tear slips my eyes when I reread this entry. He's suffering in his own way. How has anyone not noticed this? I still have a debate about throwing this journal out the window. But again the devil won because I flip to a newer entry. The next page. To be precise.

"August 13th"


Mom's death anniversary.

Poor Lucian.

"Yesterday I nailed it on the head. My anger got the best of me. I got lectured by dad. Yelled at would be an understatement. He tore me a new asshole. I swear.

He told me I was a selfish inconsiderate brat who gave no fucks about anyone else. All of us are struggling to cope. My problems are making it worse on everyone. So, I took a page out of mom's book. I got my hands on some heavy duty pills the other day from older kids at my school. I stole a bottle of dad's expensive whiskey. And swallowed the five pills with his whole bottle of whiskey. It never took effect fast enough so, my incoherent self decided to hang a rope in the arch way of my closet. I guess I was so quiet for so long Julian, Renzo, Valentino, Matteo, and Nikolai went looking for me.

Vanished Into Thin Air (Rossi Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now