Author's Note

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Please Read This Note Before You Read This Book. (:

Hey guys!

This is going to be short and sweet. I hope. It's me who am I kidding. I ramble a lot, so nothing is ever short with me.

If you are battling with depression or suicidal thought. Hell, you could even be feeling down for the matter of fact. If you EVER feel like you have no one to rant, rave, vent, or just to talk to. Remember you do.

You have me. I will lend you my ears and listen to whatever your problems are. Remember you aren't alone.

I lost my best friend when she was 24 to suicide. I was always there when she was down and out. I always made sure she knew she had someone in her corner.


I stopped her a few times but the time I could have been there for her to stop. She never told me. She never revealed she needed me right there. She never called to tell me. Because honestly I think she knew I would drop anything and everything to be by her side.

Do I hate her?


Am I mad at her?


Do I miss her.


You never realize how truly special someone is until they aren't beside you.

I can see something that day that would have her laughing and go to call her just to stop because it would just go to her voicemail.

So if you know someone suicidal or have suicidal tendencies always reach out to them. Because even if they are smiling and laughing they may not honestly be okay. Because not even 24 hours before she died she was joking and laughing with me.

My brother who's my protector. My best friend. Two peas in a pod. He suffered from depression all through high school. He had explosive anger issues. He was literally a walking time bomb. You didn't know if he was going to laugh and smile, be depressed and down, or want to hulk smash someone through a wall. He tried to commit suicide a few times but each time he failed. Thank God. Each of the few times I had walked in on him and was able to stop him or was able to get medical help. I don't know what I would do without my 30 year old brother. I still keep my eyes on him just to make sure he is still okay.

My mom battled with depression through out my high school years. One day she told me how she could hit a tree at a certain angle at a certain speed with no seat belt. How it would kill her instantly.

My mom is a nurse.

To know the exact science or whatever it is she used was traumatizing. That took a lot of thought to find ways to die. My brothers and I were and still are beside her. We keep the closest eye on her.

My mom and brother know I have my moments when I'm down.... I'm down.

But we always make sure that we all know we're in each other's corners.

They're my protector as I am theirs.

So if you ever need someone to talk to I will listen. You will have my full attention and my ears. So don't be afraid to talk to me. I won't judge nor will I tell a soul what you tell me. My inbox is always open. (:

Xoxo C.


This still stands! If you need me, I'll be there to listen. Need a laugh come to me, I'll make you laugh. You're never alone. ❤️

Vanished Into Thin Air (Rossi Series Book #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang