Chapter 8: Corrupt time

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The white dots slowly disappeared from Wanda's vision. She blinked rapidly trying to see where she had been brought to. She had just walked into her room and laid her stuffed animal on the bed when she jumped through time once again. This time she had not arrived within the TARDIS. From the looks of things, she had landed in a rather large area with different complex buildings around her. Flats from their appearance. Papers and graffiti lined most of the concrete walls in the surrounding area. The sounds of the city echoed in every direction. Wanda started to worry that she had been transported to somewhere with no Doctor near her. She might just have to go searching through the city.

"So, trouble at school then?"

Hearing a voice echo from far off behind her, Wanda turned to see the TARDIS parked a ways down from her with Ten, Rose Tyler, and Mickey Smith standing in front of the ship. She started to walk forward, but then stopped very quickly. Realizing who exactly stood a ways from her, she became unsure on how to proceed. This was the time with Rose, and Rose in the show had always been . . . 'protective' of the Doctor during this period. The Doctor more or less the same towards the blonde girl. Would either one of them want her present during this time? She would just be getting in the way of their growing relationship during this stage of time. She had already promised herself to not ruin or change the Doctor's time. Especially, after the talk she had with Eleven back on the dock. Her being here might ruin their chances together permanently. Besides . . . she doubted Rose (or the Doctor at this point in time) would really want her to be around anyway.

But before she knew it, Rose had glanced down to where Wanda stood. Rose beamed brightly upon seeing her. The girl jumped up and waved at her excitedly as if seeing an old friend after a long while. The Doctor turned her direction, sending a small smile and wave to her. Mickey just stood there, confused as if to whom she was. Wanda smiled shyly and waved back, walking more towards them. She felt happy seeing how Rose seemed okay with her. As she came up beside them, Rose gave her a warm hug.

"It's good seeing you again, Wanda," Rose said happily. She pulled away, looking up and down at Wanda. "So, where have you been off too?"

"Oh, um, somewhere in the future. Eleven took me to a carnival," Wanda told her.

"Why did you go to a carnival?" Rose asked her curiously.

"I've never been before. I loved it though! It was amazing! I hope we can go again someday," Wanda said excitedly. Rose giggled, linking their arms together and leaned against Wanda slightly.

"So, now that our lucky charm is here, I don't think we have much to worry about," said the Doctor. He bounced lightly on the balls of his feet, seeming to have been perked up by something. Rose chuckled while watching him bounce.

"Don't you mean your lucky charm?" she asked him, poking him in the side. She snickered lightly as he suddenly stopped bouncing with a red tint forming on his face. Wanda smiled at them, glad that they were getting along so well in their relationship. Perhaps her being here, she could help them come to terms with their feelings sooner.

"So . . . is this another Wanda then?" Mickey asked them, pointing to Wanda. He frowned some. "No, wait, I think I met this one before."

"Yes, Mickey, she's another Wanda," the Doctor said after clearing his throat. He still appeared to be embarrassed by something. Wanda wondered if it had been Rose poking him. "Now, as you were saying. Trouble at school?"

"Yeah, there's been strange sightings and stuff. All kinds of UFO activity, and I think this one school has something do to with it," Mickey told them.

"How so," the Doctor asked, suddenly very curious.

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