Chapter 5: Ruined Theatre

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They all ran to the source of the scream coming from Shakespeare's writing room. They arrived just as Shakespeare himself woke up from sleeping on his scripts. He looked around the room sleepily, confused by what was going on. The Doctor rushed in first to see the innkeeper lying on the floor, dead from fright. He crouched down next to her. Martha ran to the open window, looking out to the sky. Wanda stood in the doorway, once again frozen by the sight of the dead woman in front of her. She started shaking in fear.

Wanda quickly sucked in a deep breath, closing her eyes tightly. She knew at this moment she must get over this. Death was normal, it was life. If she was going to become a quaking, shivering mess every time she saw a dead body, then she would be getting nowhere and be of no use to anyone. This fear must be put into its place. Breathing deeply, she counted. One. Two. Three. She squashed the fear down, slamming the door shut and locking it away. She opened her eyes again, a determined expression replacing the frightful one from before.

She crouched down next to the Doctor. He glanced over to her.

"Are you all right?" he asked, unsure by the sudden change within her. She gave him a quick, unwavering nod.

"Yes," she said steadily. He nodded as well, looking back to the body.

"Her heart gave out," he said, slight confusion written in his voice.

"She died of fright," Wanda said for him. "She was killed by Lilith."

"Lilith?" the Doctor questioned.

"She's the witch that Martha is watching fly away at the moment."

"Doctor," Martha called to him. He rushed over by her side to look out the window as well. While they talked of what she had seen, Wanda stayed by the dead woman's side. Though the fear was gone, the sadness was still there. It lay like a stone within her stomach, giving her a heavy feeling. Once again she could have stopped this but... no... She took another deep breath. She needed to let things pass as they would. She could not over step her bounds and rewrite time. But that did not mean she could not mourn the loss now or the losses to come.

Gently, she placed a hand on the now empty woman and whispered softly, "Be at peace now."


None of them slept afterwards, staying up far into the morning discussing over the loss of innkeeper and Shakespeare's lover. Shakespeare spoke greatly of her, going into how brave and wonderful the woman had been. Martha started to question why exactly these events seemed to tie around Shakespeare himself. The subject changed to witches and the architect, helping the Doctor come to the revelation of the Globe Theatre being the main key to the happenings around them. They all went straight there for the Doctor to investigate.

"I'm sorry haven't had a chance to explain anything to you yet," the Doctor spoke to Wanda while on their way to the theatre. "I know you are confused and don't understand a lot of things."

"That's all right," said Wanda. "I know how things get on your travels. Yes, I am confused on what my life is now... and I really don't understand... what exactly I am." She paused in thought. "I really don't believe you, you know. About me being a Time Lord and all. It's not that don't trust you are telling me the truth, it's just... how can it be true?"

"It just... is," he replied. "You and I both know it is. The evidence to that is right within you." He indicated to her heart... no, hearts. She had to keep reminding herself that. She had hearts now. Two living, beating hearts. She sighed deeply.

"I know, when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" she said quietly.

He looked to her curiously. "Spock?"

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