26. New Friends (Edited)

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Gasps were heard and i looked around. All were talking in hushed voices.

'She's their sister'
'Where was she'
'Is she like them'
'I saw her in the morning with Twins and Ethan'
'She seems nice'
'Maybe she's like them'

There were so many whispers and i was suddenly feeling embarrassed. No no ignore them.

"You can go and sit anywhere you want" The teacher told.

I looked around and saw 3 seats were empty but before I could decide, one girl signalled me to sit with her.

I smiled and went to her.

"Hii, I'm Lily" She said. She seems nice and enthusiastic.
"Heyy" I replied.

And just like that 4 lectures went and as much as I was excited for the first day, I'm more tired and fed up till now.
Maybe because I haven't talked much to anyone.

It was now lunch break.

Lily took me with her to cafeteria which is good because I didn't know the way around school yet.

Reaching a particular table where 3 boys and 2 girls were sitting. Lily introduced me to her friend circle.

1st boy is blonde and silently sitting and eating his lunch but he did acknowledged when I introduced myself. His name is Aaron.

2nd boy had brown hair and grey eyes. He's looking like a playboy so i mentally noted to talk as less I can.
His name is Blake.

3rd boy has dark brown and brown eyes. He's holding hands with one of the girls. Looks like they are in a relationship. His name is Kai

1st girl with whom kai was holding hands, her name is Amy. She has long brown hair.

2nd girl has shoulder cut and wear glasses. She looks like someone who has knowledge of everything. Her name is Emery.

In the beginning when Lily introduced me, they didn't believe that i was from Valentino family.

On asking why everyone were shocked and I came to know that nobody has ever met a polite and calm Valentino. And I genuinely laughed at this statement.

They welcomed me wholeheartedly. They even included me in their conversation.

"So Elisa" Amy started "How it is that you appeared out of no where as a Valentino? Nobody has heard about them having a daughter"

What should I say?
Should I lie?
But what should I say?

"Umm... It's a long story but I can say that I was separated from them when I was a child" I just shrugged and hopefully they see the sign that I no longer want to talk about this.

"Ohh-" Amy was cut off by Lily.

"Oh my god they are coming here"

Lily looked behind me and pointed something and they all suddenly looked scared looking at something or should I say someone.

I looked behind the reason of their shocked and scared faces and even I got shocked not because I was scared but because they were scared of my brothers.

Twins came to our table and kissed on my head. They then assessed the table and  Taylor said, "Lis how was your day? "

"It's been really good so far" I smiled politely and told them
Then Tyler said to me directly and indirectly to them
"If someone hurts you or misbehaves with you, you'll let us know"

"We'll handle it on our own" Taylor continued.

And I looked back at my newly made friends and some were gulping. Now I know why? Twins were actually indirectly threatening them.

"Ok ok, I'll let you know, you guys should go and have your lunch" I tell them.

I myself was eating some pasta.

They once again looked all at my friends and then left to sit on a table where their friends were waiting I guess.

I looked at my friends again and said, "why were you all looking so scared?"

"Are you serious, who won't be scared of them? " Blake said.

"Exactly" Kai agreed.

Seeing my confused face Emery spoke, "They are those students who own this university and moreover they get away with anything they do, they were even exempted after almost killing a guy last year."

"Hey now I think you're exaggerating, no one gets exempted from such things." I replied.

"Yeah I have also heard about this, but in the beginning I also thought they were all rumours so I didn't pay any attention" Kai and Amy said while agreeing with each other and smiling as they made eye contact.

They are Cute.

"Exactly, they are also just humans and even they own this school but they are not stronger than government atleast. " Lily added.

Now once this past incident again came in light, everyone were giving their view points.

"They can be stronger than government if they are involved in Mafia" Aaron said. It was the first time I was hearing him say anything.

"Don't be ridiculous" I laughed at that thought.

"But they Are involved with mafias" Emery said seriously.

"Yaah, now you're scaring us. I agree that everyone have a kind of fear when they hear Valentino but I don't think I'll believe that they are involved with mafias" Blake said.

"You don't believe me and Aaron, than Elisa, have you asked what their job is? " Emery asked.

"Umm.. I have asked but they didn't take that question seriously" I replied.

"See" Aaron pointed at my answer on how he might be correct.

"But we can't make anything out of this and assume anything" Lily said

"Elisa, their might be any office or something in your house? " Amy asked.

"Yes there is, but they have restricted my entry their saying that it might disturb their work and I shouldn't worry about anything related to their work" I said

"I think you should check their office for any proof" Kai said.

"What? Hold up guys, I don't think it's a good idea." I said.

"If you don't believe us of them being involved with mafia, you should proof it to yourself on your own then" Aaron said.

With this break was over and we were going back to the class and luckily I was having next class with kai and Amy. They might help me distract from this.

But nothing worked. I was constantly thinking about that.

Are they really involved in Mafias?
No No
This is ridiculous.
Should I check on my own?
What should I do?

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