6. Meeting them (Edited)

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So, here I'm sitting in the police station, with my small bag containing my belongings and waiting for
'My Family' to come and adopt me again I guess.

What am I even thinking.

I held my pandent.

"Mom, guess what, my father who hated and disowned me is coming again to take me back in. I don't want any father or brother. They all hate me. I hate myself. " I mumbled.

Well I'm going to go to Italy. It's where they live. Harley said they'll come soon. It's already been 3 hours I'm sitting here, pondering on what my life has become. Hailey and Harley kept asking me if i wanted to eat something but honestly i had no appetite.

What ifs were all over my mind. It was like,

'I gained freedom only to be captured again'

1 Hour later

I dozed off when I suddenly heard someone waking me up.

"Honey your guardians are here" Said Harley slowly tapping me.

I instantly grew tense and started fidgeting. I pushed myself up and walked out of a particular block in police station.

And then I saw them. There backs were facing me.

"Mr. Valentino" Harley interrupted my father who was talking to Hailey.

Ohh so I'm going to become Eliza Valentino from Eliza Johnson.


On hearing his name he turned around and that was when my world stopped. My father and brother were standing in front of me. The same people who abandoned their own blood, who abandoned me, a one year old infant.

My father is tall maybe 6 foot. He's quite well build and can't ignore the tattoos. In short, he's quite scary. I can feel his aura, it's dominating. I even share same eye colour with him which is green.

With him, is I guess my brother. He's scary too. He's I guess 6'2. His tattoos give him quite badass look.

They both are scary and I can imagine their one hit will directly send me to heaven.

"Eliza... Oh ma god.... Is this really you? " My father was shocked and I can see a layer of tears forming in his eyes but he blinks them away.

He suddenly came towards me using long strides. I immediately tensed up thinking he's coming to hit me and quickly stepped back.

I thought he won't stop but he actually stopped and looked at me confused and hurt.
'Shit, I disrespected him'
He looked at me amd stepped back a little.

He probably sensed how tense I became but chose to remain silent.

Instead he introduced himself.

"Liz baby... I'm your father. Oh my god I can't believe you are here right now." My father said.

"Hello" I greeted him politely and bowed down.

My brother then came forward but maintained distance introduced himself.

"Hii El, I'm Ethan, your second eldest brother. I'm so happy you are back"

"Hii" I again greeted with small voice.

He said second oldest, what does this mean? How many brothers do I have?
I wanted to ask these questions but chose to remain silent.

I didn't really made eye contact with them and when I risked and looked in their eyes,
I saw genuine.....'happiness'?

This can be an act in front of police. I can't let my guard down and think they really want me. I just have to survive 1 year and then I'll be free since I'll be adult.

Looking and observing around, I saw many people were looking at my now family in what I can say, fear? But why ?

I admit their aura is quite powerful but why are they fearing them like they would kill them... I internally laughed at my own thoughts.

Now I'm scared for my life. What if they torture me more? I decided that I'll try to survive. I won't give up.

I have heard God gives hardest battles to his best soldiers, but why me? When will my life become normal again?

They quickly did all the formalities and were ready to go.

They came in SUV and I sat with them still maintaining distance.

"Honey if you have any problem just contact me, okay? " Harley said while giving me her card and bidding me goodbye.

" Thank you for taking care of me" I said to both Harley and Hailey.

Here I'm going to really start a new life saying I'm scared would be an understatement because I'm terrified right now.
My instincts tell me that these men are dangerous and I can't let my guard down.

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