Chapter 27: Friends, 'Til the End

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January 1, 2022

College sucked.

Finals were coming up in a few days and Ythyr could barely keep his eyes open. Which was why he found himself walking to the nearest coffee shop at 1 in the morning despite celebrating New Years like every other normal person would.

He opened the door to the bitter aroma of coffee and faint jazz playing in the background. Ythyr hitched his backpack higher on his shoulder and looked around. The place was nearly empty inside, save for the two baristas by the counter.

Ythyr ordered himself a black coffee and settled himself at the table. He pulled out his laptop as well as a few of his books and began to study. He had been sitting there for a while when the smell of coffee hit his nose. He turned to find the employee setting his cup of coffee along with a plate of something else beside him. It was a sandwich.

"Oh, I didn't order the other one..."

"It's on the house," he smiled. Something about the way he did it made Ythyr's stomach do a flip. "You looked like you needed it."

Ythyr was surprised. Other than the professor, no one had done something like this for him in a long time. He adjusted his glasses to get a better look at the person before him. "Thank you... Elliot."

Now it was his turn to be surprised. "Have we met before?"

"Ah, no, I just read your nametag." Despite saying that Ythyr couldn't deny there was something familiar about him. Or maybe it was just the sleep deprivation getting to his brain.

"If you need me, I'll be at the counter."

"Ythyr." Elliot looked confused and Ythyr couldn't help but grin. He reminded him of a lost puppy. "It's only fair you know my name if I know yours."

Elliot returned the grin and went back to his station. "Alright, Ythyr."

Ythyr spent the next two hours staring at the screen. It was getting a lot harder to concentrate and he didn't know why. Every now and then his eyes would drift over to the counter and he'd have to force himself back to focus.

He dropped his head to the table with a groan. He was getting nothing done at this rate. It was 3 AM now and he was still stuck on the same topic he was on the moment he got here. He sighed. Maybe it was time to call it a day.

Ythyr closed his laptop and started putting his books in his bag. He didn't notice Elliot coming over and almost jumped out of his seat.

"Your receipt," he said with an amused expression.

"Oh, thanks," Ythyr awkwardly took it from his hand and watched as he headed back. He slung his backpack onto his shoulder and prepared to leave.

Just as he reached the exit, he turned back to glance at Elliot. They made eye contact and he smiled. He gestured a phone to his ear and pointed down.

Ythyr looked down to the receipt in his hand and hadn't realized something was written on the back until now. He flipped it around and felt his heart rate pick up.

He was looking at a phone number.

Ythyr couldn't stop the smile threatening to take over his face. Maybe they can talk again. After all, they have all the time in the world.

The End

Words: 554

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