Chapter 13: Curiosity Killed The Angel

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The trip back above was met in silence. Valerie asked Elliot and Ythyr a few questions before having to leave for an urgent meeting. Elliot slotted the shards back at the tent, and a few hours later, he left.

Afterward, he dreamt.


"You actually cooked something."

Elliot looked around, they were in hell. He was more amused to catch Castiel crouched in front of the campfire seemingly toasting bread. He also had a basket beside him.

Azaroth arrived and couldn't hide the hilarity of the moment. Last time, Castiel made fun of demon food names.

"The cookbook's great," Castiel replied with a smirk. "I gathered ingredients for the Manticore toast, it tasted great."

"I didn't think you'd actually try cooking."

"There's nothing bad about trying something new—and it's my first time actually eating food." Castiel finished toasting the bread and handed Azaroth a piece. "Let me know if you like it."

Azaroth took a bite of the toast and nodded in approval. "Continue down this road, and you'll be my personal chef."

Castiel rolled his eyes and glanced at the basket. "There's still a lot more I haven't toasted."

"Toast everything. This is my student's favorite. I'll give him some once he returns." Azaroth pulled huge rocks with telekinesis for them to sit on. Elliot sat on the ground and listened to the conversation.

"So what's the update on your situation in heaven? Got demoted to peasant?" Azaroth teased.

"Hey! I'm already a lieutenant, and I have three squadrons of angels under me!"

"So how are they taking their lieutenant practicing demon magic?"

Castiel shrugged. "Higher-ups are not saying anything. I think I've been given a free pass for now. Some are accepting, some reluctant, but the general rule is to make sure no one gets hurt with magic."

"You're lucky to be the first of the few angels that know and pursue demon magic. I know a few, but they stopped learning halfway and never returned."

"Imagine the possibilities if angels cast aside their egotistical views and both parties mix their powers," Castiel's eyes sparkled. "And it's all thanks to you."

"That's what friends are for, right?" Azaroth smiled.

They basked in silence as the fire crackled merrily. They ate their toast before Castiel spoke again.

"So, how are you? Any new spells you're brewing or practicing?"

Azaroth hummed as he summoned the journal from thin air. "Well, I'm working on some spells, mostly my interest in helping humans. I've captured a bug and have been reviving and quickening its age, possibly quickening its harvests of crops." Azaroth flipped the pages more," and some, not entirely acceptable. This one is called 'Exagrios,' used to erase something from existence. It's hazardous, but I plan to master it to remove the pests from the human farms."

"Dangerous doesn't begin to describe the second one. Isn't that too much work? Did you drop it?"

"I suppose I did cancel pursuing and finishing the spell."

"Well, that's great. It's just some bugs. There's definitely another way," Castiel laughed. "Though, the first one is weird."

"Weirdness is essential to creating spells."

"Yeah, yeah, mister expert... on the topic of spells, can I create mine now?"

Azaroth muttered inconceivable words, "I guess. You've mastered the basics and even incorporated some into your angel battles. I can help you."

"Great! What do I need to do? Any ingredients we need?"

"You do not just make it out of thin air and ingredients. When creating a new spell, you need an idea and purpose first. We cannot make things up along the way," He looked at Castiel's wary face. "I believe you'll succeed. We're going to try your new spells in a few days. Just form the idea."

"Alright, thanks Az. You know we should spend more time here more often."

"Just ask me any time, I'm always free to take you here. This place of mine could finally have some use than just rot in hell. I'm impressed you didn't chicken out when I suggested this place."

"I find hell interesting. I give my gratitude for indulging me in my curiosity."

"Anytime," Azaroth smiled.

"I got some research to do for the spell. Oh, and here's the rest of the bread." They both stood up and fixed themselves.

Elliot blinked, and the scene woven around him vanished. The white halls of the palace replaced the night forest sky. He heard the echo of footsteps. He turned around and saw Caelum and Castiel walking down the hallway.

"You're finally up to my level, cadet."

"Come on, you and Adrianne taught me everything I needed to know!"

"Skip the flattering part Cas, you do know how prestigious it is for a soldier to rise up a rank? We've been at it for millennia. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks Cal, I really am grateful." They stopped at the library's doors, "this is my stop. I'll see you later." Cal saluted and left.

"Angel magic."

The library rippled, and a part of the library that was never there before appeared. A door in a wall that didn't exist opened to reveal a small room with two chairs. The walls were covered with shelves holding books of all sizes and colors from floor to ceiling. Elliot gaped, this was similar to the tent incident. Sudden places that never existed suddenly exist.

Castiel grabbed a book, summoned a paper and quill, and sat down. Elliot stood behind him, reading the pages.

"Time to find out what's good."

Angels transcend the universe with their light magic, reaching the cosmos... Castiel skipped through the pages and landed on angel magic's effects on the mind. They can enter dreams and ease humans into sleep. He happily wrote the information down on the paper.

Elliot's gut sank. He knew where this was going. Then, the dream faded to black.


December 12, 00XX

"The next shard is in heaven?" Ythyr asked.

"Yes, that means it's up to me to find it this time. I'll start tomorrow... if I don't find it, then I won't come here." Elliot stretched, ready to leave the tent.

"You're still going to visit, right?" Ythyr whispered.

"Of course, you have the entire panel Ythyr. Why wouldn't I come back here? Wait a minute, don't tell me you'll actually miss me?"

"If I'm your only source of entertainment, then so are you mine. My life's boring and literally repetitive. It's nice to have a change of pace. So please come back?"

"I'll try."

Elliot left. Unbeknownst to him, he was starting to grow on Ythyr.

Words: 1042

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