Chapter 13

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Football games. The game that was stupidly named by the United States because they thought they were clever. Football games are a big deal when it comes to high school and college, you have hundreds of people that barely know what's going on, chanting for their team and screaming as loud as they possibly can. You have the cheerleaders folding their bodies like their paper and throwing each other in the air. And most importantly, you have the booze. The one thing I figured out that teenagers of all people are completely obsessed with. Now, I still have to figure out why exactly they love destroying their liver from the young age of fourteen plus.

"Ava! I'm so happy you came!" Sebastian grinned as he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the floor before spinning around.

"What did I say about touching?" I glared as I pushed him away while he immediately let me go with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Sorry, I'm just happy you're here." He squealed like a little school girl. "My number is nineteen so make sure you cheer for me." He said sternly as I rolled my eyes and nodded. There's no way I'm cheering for him.

"Get lost, don't you have a ball to grab and run." I reminded him as he nodded and gave me a hesitant look before wrapping his arms around me once again and letting go just as quick.

"Bye! I'll see you after the game!" He yelled as he ran off while I rolled my eyes. No he won't.

I still can't believe that half brained frog convinced me to come to his game. Apparently I wasn't holding up my end of the deal by being a good enough friend, and to redeem myself I had to show up to his football game. I of course was going to simply agree and prevent a headache and just not show up. However it's almost as if his brain grew a little considering he showed up at my doorstep and refused to leave till I got into the car with him. I was still planning on running when he had to go to the locker room but when he threatened to take my lift key, I knew I had to suck it up and deal with it.

It took unbelievably long to find a slightly isolated place in the stands, but once I had I sat down and wrapped my arms around myself. I could feel the wind pricking at my covered skin. The layers I was wearing was doing me no justice.

Soon enough the loud chatter of the hundreds of people in the stands turned into deafening cheers as the team jogged out onto the field. I rolled my eyes and glared at no one in specific yet I cursed the hell out of Sebastian Henderson for forcing me to be here.

"H...hi A...Avery." I heard a quiet voice stutter from besides me. It's a miracle I even heard it.

"Who are you?" I bluntly asked the scrawny kid as he pushed his glasses up and bit his lip before hesitantly sitting down besides me.

"I...I'm O...Oliver. You s...saved me from D...Daniel the other" He stuttered as I looked at him in confusion trying to think of who Daniel was. I thought back to a couple weeks ago where that pathetic jock was picking on him in the parking lot.

"It's no big deal." I shrugged as he smiled and turned to face the game in front of us. "You like football?" I asked after a few moments of contemplating. I could've done myself a favour and kept my mouth shut but no, I just had to open it. I blame Sebastian.

"N...not really, I d...draw." He blushed as he showed me his sketch pad. I took it off him and flicked through the pages to find drawings of certain football players on the field, people cheering in the stands, the team celebrating when they win.

"They're good." I said as I handed it back to him and watched as his smile turned into a grin.

"T...thank you, Avery." He said quietly as I nodded and turned back to the game. They already had fourteen points while the other team had none. I guess that means they're winning.

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