Chapter 6

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Making my way to the fifth and final lesson of the day, I let out a sigh of relief knowing it's only a matter of exactly one hour and thirty four minutes till I get home and collapse on my bed. I already missed a day of school yesterday because of how painfully difficult it was to even breathe. Don't get me wrong, my lungs are barely functioning as we speak, but I can't keep my attendance below 85%. Any lower and Vincent will get called in which will only result in extra time in his presence. I know I said my school couldn't care less about my absence, and it's true, they don't. They do in fact have to 'follow protocol' and inform that piece of shit about it.

I've had Sebastian blow up my phone all day yesterday till I used my brain and muted his notifications. That obviously didn't stop him from continuously sending messages every minute of the day. I've managed to avoid him most of the day today, and fortunately for me, I had no lessons with him today making it a lot easier. The last thing I want to do is listen to him go on and on about god knows what and add to my already barely tolerable headache.

"I heard she's not in today." A voice squealed in excitement a couple seats in front of me immediately catching my attention.

"I heard her daughter gave birth so she had to leave, Carly was talking about it in the teachers lounge." Another voice elaborated.

"Do you think we should wait? Or shall we just leave?" A girl questioned from the front row as the other girls began putting away their stuff before standing up.

I guess that's my cue to leave.

Picking up my own backpack, I slung it over my good shoulder and walked right out of the classroom. Thankfully for me this just means I can go straight back to the house. It's not like I have anyone to meet up with or any work to catch up on. Actually, that's a total lie. I have so much to catch up on it's unbelievable. The one day I miss and there's suddenly a cure for cancer figured out by our lazy chemistry teacher.

Throwing the unnecessary books from my backpack into my locker, I slam it shut surprising the handful of students loitering around the hallway by the sudden loud noise.

"AVA!" A loud voice yelled from the other end of the hallway, a very, very loud and familiar voice.

There's no way I'm ruining all the hard work it took to avoid him right now. I literally have seconds to get the hell out of this school before he catches up to me and actually speaks to me. No thank you.

"AVA WAIT UP!" Sebastian yelled as his voice grew louder and louder.

Rolling my eyes, I quickened my pace in hopes to lose him, but who am I kidding? It's not like I can make myself disappear in between a large crowd, everyone's in their lessons. Besides, I can't even jump in the lift because my dumbass gave him the key back. I like to be dramatic even if it means the chances of me having a heart attack in the middle of the stair case quadruples.

Spotting the lift doors open just a couple metres in front of me, I broke out into a sprint and ran like my life depended on it. Despite hardly even being able to breath normally, I ran like my life depended on it. The pain shooting through my ribs and lungs was almost unbearable, but I know if I speak to anyone right now, that it'll just be much more worse.

The girl in the lift stepped out and gave me a shocked look as she saw me running at her and immediately moved out of the way so I could jump in the lift.

The doors were inches away from closing when a hand slipped through, forcing them to reopen. I'm getting a bit of deja vu here. This time with a different person.

Sebastian stood in front of the open lift doors with his hands on his hips and a foot inside the lift to stop it from closing again. I was quite literally fighting for my life trying not to take in too many deep breaths, but I kinda sorta had to from all the running I just did.

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