Chapter 7

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"Dude sh," I whisper to Tito while desperately trying to hold back a laugh

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"Dude sh," I whisper to Tito while desperately trying to hold back a laugh.

"Ryder it looked at me first," he chokes back covering his mouth also to hold back a laugh. If Barry sees us laughing while he is trying to explain the new drill we will be doing sprints and sprints is not how I want to start my third week of practice with the team.

"Can you two stop," Dob hisses in the middle of the two of us, who are biting down on our sticks just praying we don't lose it while the coach is still talking.

"Fantastic Four you are group 2," Barry says dismissing our group of 4 just in time for Tito to completely lose it.

Nelson picks Tito up and literally drags him across the ice as tears run down his face, he is laughing so hard. I am barely upright and leaning on Dob for support as I laugh, collect myself, then start laughing again as I see Titos face.

"What are you shits laughing about," Nelson hisses.

"Tortz has a coffee stain on the crotch of his pants that looks like a dick," Tito says, causing me to laugh so hard my skates slip out from under me and I fall onto my back.

Nelson whips his head toward our coach and nearly drops dead when he sees the stain in question. "Im distrubed you noticed that T."

"That's what I said," I yell, finally pulling my shit together and standing up again.

"I hate this nickname, I don't want to be associated with you three," Dobs groans rubbing his face.

"Dobby," I pout purposely using the nickname he hates most of all. That nickname and any Harry Potter reference is a near guarantee to get your ass kicked by Noah Dobson. Which is why I begin skating away as soon as the name leaves my mouth as he skates after me, sticking in the air ready to beat me with it.

"You love us Dobby! We are the fantastic four," Tito yells, chasing him as he chases me.

Last Thursday Lee gave us the nickname since we are always together during practice and before practice, and sometimes even after practice. We spend a lot of time together and they are the only guys who know Francesca. Most of the others have put 2 and 2 together but still haven't gotten the formal introduction. Not that I don't want them to know her but last week an interviewer already asked a few of the guys about me and thought I know they wouldn't do anything on purpose shit slips sometimes.

"Boys," Lee warns from his group causing all of us to stop fucking around and begin the drill we are suppose to be running.

After the drill Barry tells us to grab a drink quickly before we do our normal cool down. I am skating over to where my water is sitting when Barry cuts me off. "Kid, after practice can you shower quickly and meet me in my office?"

"Uh, yeah sure sir," I stammer at a loss for why. Maybe I am not doing as good as I thought I was?

The rest of practice I am distracted. The other guys are still goofing off but I can't focus on anything but why Barry could want to talk to me. Is he going to tell me not to come back? Is the team going to release me? Is my NHL dream going to end before it can even really begin?

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