A New Beginning

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For the past week of being home I've have no more nightmares, and each night Giancarlo would sleep with me in his arms and wouldn't dare to let go. Everyday so far has been the same, painful and sad, but I know things have to change.

The second I woke up this morning I vowed to myself that after I get rid of John, I'm starting my new, happy life with the people around me. I don't care what it takes, I will have a happy life without worrying about my past haunting me.

"Buongiorno amore." Giancarlo's husky morning voice groaned, interrupting my thoughts. "Good morning" I smiled to him. The first real smile in a long time. He smiled back noticing my genuinely happy mood. 

"What's got you in such a good mood this morning?" He asked pearching up on his elbows, looking down at me. "Nothing." I played. All he did was kiss my forehead. 

I missed these days. The days where it was just me and him and no one interrupted. The days when I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. It crazy how fast a stranger became so important to me in a matter of months. After growing up with the father I had, and watching how my parents relationship was, I was always scared to be in one because I thought the same thing John did to my mom would happen to me.

Thank God that's not the case with Giancarlo and his family. His family is so welcoming and loving and accepting of my flaws. I've never witnessed a father be so accepting of one of his son's girlfriends because she was able to beat up his son. Never! 

And little Lizzy. She's the sassiest little girl ever. I've never seen a five year old boss around four grown men in my life, and the men actually listen. She really knows how to make people her bitch. 

I snuggled closer into Giancarlos chest which earned a low laugh from him. "You seem to be feeling better. Wanna go on a walk?" He asked, he truly is the sweetest guy I've ever met. I nodded into his chest and with that he got up from the bed and carried me to the closet to pick out my outfit.

I just went with navy blue sweat pants and one of Giancarlo's hoodies. We watched me put on his hoodie which mabe we blush. His hoodie swallowed me up, it was so big but I liked it. He shook his head and laughed a little as he walked away to pick out his clothes. 

I was surprised when he picked out grey sweatpants and black crewneck and not dress pants and a white button up shirt. "Whats that look for?" He asked.

"Just your choice of clothes. What if your men see you in such an outfit, they might think you've gone soft or are going through some crisis." I joked, pretending to be serious. 

"I just wanted to try your favourite look. The hobo." He joked back. I put my hand on my chest and let my mouth hang open. "Yeah, and I'm the hottest hobo that ever lived." I stated with my chin high before marching out of the room. 

His cute as laugh rang like music to my ears from behind me and I couldn't help but smile a bit. That's his real laugh. It's so beautiful and contagious that you can't help but laugh along with him. 

I heard his footsteps catch up to me and then his warm hands wrap gently around my waist, conscious of the almost healed bruises. "You're me hobo." He whispered in my ear. I spinned in his arms to face him and gave him a passionate kiss. 

He pulled my slightly tighter against his body just so I could feel his semi hard dick in his pants. "Already?" I laughed in the kiss. He rested his forehead against mine and laughed with me. "I told you I missed you." He answered, giving my ass a slight squeeze and giving my one last kiss before grabbing my hand and leading the way on our walk. 

We slowly walked through each hallway in the house which eventually lead to outside. It was so beautiful outside today. I just stood there soaking in the sun after months of not being in it. I took a couple deep breaths of the fresh air, the scent of freshly cut grass filling my lungs.  

"Bellissima." Giancarlo whispered from beside me. It was probably not meant for me to hear, but I did so oh well. He continued leading the way through the garden. It was filled with hundreds of different coloured flowers. White, pink, red, purple, blue. They were all so pretty. 

I was wondering between the rows of flowers, and by now I should probably be resting, but I couldn't. Everything was so pretty. It has been to long since I've been outside so right now, being outside isn't ending soon. 

Giancarlo was following close behind me just to make sure I'm ok and don't need anything. A thought about John came to mind so I turned to ask him but he wasn't standing, he was on one knee. I gave him a confused look. 

"Bianca, from the very first day I met you I knew I was going to make you mine. I couldn't get my mind off you. My brothers thought I was going crazy, maybe I was. I've never seen someone as strong and perfect as you. I know things have been hard recently and I want to be with you every step of the way so we can work things out together. I love you so much, more than words can describe. I know I'm not the perfect man but I'm trying to be, for you." 

He then reached into his pocket and I knew exactly what was going on. Never in my life did I ever think something like this would happen to me. Tears started welling up in my eyes as he opened the box. 

"Bianca Romano, will you marry me?" He asked with a cute smile on his face. How could I say no to that face. "Yes. Oh my god, yes!" I instantly ran into his arms and he spun us around a couple times. 

As soon as he put me down I heard clapping and cheering. I turned around to see his brothers, sister, and parents clapping. His mother was crying and Lizzy was running our way. 

"You're going to be my zia!!!" Lizzy yelled as she hugged my legs. I couldn't help but let a few tears fall. I crouched to hug Lizzy and instantly Giancarlo was pulled away by his brothers. They all jumped and hollered, I couldn't hold in my laughs for what I was witnessing.  

I turned to look at his parents and I noticed his mother was holding her phone up recording everything. I grabbed Lizzy's hand and made my way to them. 

"Did you guys really set this up?" I asked Rocco and Maria. They both smiled widely and nodded. "This means so much to me. Thank you for letting me into your family." I said and hugged them both, one at a time. 

"From now on you must call us mama e papa, if I hear anything else I'll just ignore you." Rocco said with a smile. 

"Rocco go get your boys, we need to see it the ring fits." Maria ordered Rocco and he quickly complied. 

The ring was absolutely beautiful. It was a huge teardrop shaped diamond with smaller diamonds lining the band. It fit perfectly. "Do you like it?" Giancarlo asked just loud enough for me to hear. 

No words were forming so I just jumped into his arms and kissed him. He knows I love it. 

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