Are You Kidding Me!

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Giancarlo's POV

"Bianca! Your breakfast is ready!" I yell for the fifth time. Did she really hide from me. "Enzo go find her." I order him. "No can do bro. This is your fight." He replied with his hands up. Are these three idiots fucking kidding me right now. 

This is ridiculous. I'm a fucking adult playing hide and seek in my house. "Bianca! I swear to god if you don't come out now I'm going to kill you!" I yell as I walk up the stairs. I swear this girl is going to be the death of me.

I've literally checked every room in this fucking house and I can't find her. So I come up with a plan. I walk back into the kitchen and see the three idiots in the same spots they were in when I left. "I have a plan to find her." I tell them getting all their attention.

"Tony call Sofia and tell her to call Bianca saying she is in trouble and needs to come here. Dante call the doctor here and Enzo pick Sofia up and make sure she looks like shit. When you guys get here yell for Bianca to come. This has to be realistic or she won't come." I order.

They all look at each other and a smile spreads across their faces. "We're on it." Tony replied and they all went their separate ways.

Bianca's POV

It has been about an hour since I heard Giancarlo walk past my hiding spot and honestly I was getting tired at how much this guy sucks at this game. I felt my phone start to vibrate in my pocket and see that Sofia is calling me.

"Hey Sof whats up?"

"Bianca, I need your help. I got mugged and beat up. Enzo picked me up and is driving to you now." She was crying. I swear I'm going to kill who ever did this to her.

"Oh my god are you ok? How long until you get here? Are you bleeding?"

"I'm fine. I'll be there in two minutes and I'm not bleeding too much so I'll be fine. I'll see you soon" She then ends the call.

Shit! I quickly get out of the hiding spot and look for Giancarlo when the front door burst's open. Enzo is carrying Sofia and a doctor is following closely behind them. "Oh my god Sofia please tell me you're ok!" I ask rushing up to her.

"Look who I found." I turn around to see Giancarlo with the biggest smile on his face. I look around the room and see everyone smiling. "What the fuck is this! Did you all lie to me!" I was so mad, I was livid.

"This was the only way you would come out of your hiding spot." Giancarlo said still with the biggest smile on his face. I instantly walk up to him and slap him in the face earning gasps from everyone in the room. 

"You son of a bitch! I can't believe you right now. I should have kicked your ass better this morning." I ran upstairs into Sofia's room and locked the door behind me. Why did he have to do that? I really thought my best friend was in trouble. I can't believe he would do something like that just because he couldn't find me.

Did he really have to add to my anxiety. I'm already stressed about tomorrow and now he goes and does this. And the worst part is that everyone was on board with this stupid plan. This man doesn't know whats coming his way.

After my shower debating with myself if I should go down stairs to get food, I finally decided that I should at least eat something. No one was in the kitchen which was a relief because I can't deal with any of them right now.

I grabbed my plate and started eating when a pair of tiny arms gripped my leg causing my to jump. "You're pretty. What's your name?" The little girl asked me. "Thanks. I'm Bianca, whats your name?" I ask back.

She was so adorable. Why have I never seen her here before? "I'm Elizabeth but you could call me Lizzy." She smiled at me. I'm really getting baby fever right now, this is not good I'm only 19! 

"Elizabeth Rose Bartolo leave this nice girl alone!" A female voice from behind me demanded. I turned around and am faced with a beautiful woman in a wheel chair. "Mama, this is Bianca. She's my new friend!" Lizzy exclaimed as she ran to her mom.

"I'm sorry dear if she was bothering you." The woman apologized. "No worries, she wasn't bothering me at all. I'm Bianca." I gave her my hand to shake. "I'm Maria." She replied while shaking my hand.

"I've heard so much about you from my son's. You're the one that was able to beat Giancarlo in the fight, right?" Son's? This is there mom! "Yup thats me." I laugh. They talk about me to their mom?

"Bianca, do you want to play dress up with me?!" Lizzy asked jumping up and down. "Hey! Elizabeth what do you say?" Maria scolded. "Please?" Lizzy asked.

"I would love to play with you." As soon as the words left my mouth she grabbed my hands and lead me to a door right beside Giancarlo's office. I was defiantly not ready to meet their mom today but oh well. 

"Ok so, I'm the queen and you can be the princess. Put this on." Lizzy handed me a silver tiara and she took the pink one. We ended up playing dress up for about an hour and a half before someone knocked on the door.

"Ughh, Come in!" Lizzy yelled at whoever was on the other side on the door. In walks Giancarlo, Enzo, Tony and Dante. They look at me shocked because of the makeover Lizzy gave me with some washable markers.

"Doesn't she look amazing! I did it myself!" Lizzy yells when she sees all the boys staring at me. "So we don't get any hugs rose?" Tony asked. Lizzy instantly ran up to them and hugged them one at a time. "Come play with us!" Lizzy yelled.

"Rose I have a meet-" "I said come play with us!" She cut Giancarlo off and he quickly sat on the floor next to her. "Makeover time!" Lizzy yelled. Damn this girl likes yelling. It was amusing to watch all the the boy's face's drop when she said those words.

"Bianca you do Giancarlo, I'll so Tony and Dante since I'm better at this than you." Did she really just say that to me? Wow this girl has an attitude. 

I grabbed the magic markers and started drawing ridiculously thick eyebrows on Giancarlo's face. "Bianca can I talk to you?" He whispered to me. I hummed in response. "Look I'm sorry for today I shouldn't have tricked you like that." He said still whispering. 

"It's fine. I was just mad because I'm already stressed about tomorrow and that just added more stress." I replied seriously but I tried to control my laughs because of his eyebrows. "About tomorrow. You have nothing to worry about. Your plan is flawless and all my men know what to do." He calmly added.

"Ok. Please don't get hurt though." He laughed at my concern. "You don't have to worry about me Bianca. I've been in worse situations." I nodded and gave him a quick kiss in response and continued working on his makeover.

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