Character Q&A

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Lights turn on, revealing a big stage with a chair on it. Jordan, however you imagine her, is sitting on a chair. To her left is a series of couches and seats.

Jordan: Hey y'all! Welcome to the second ever character Q&A, for the characters by the characters. I saw that a lot of people liked it in the previous book (Tear In My Heart) so I wanted to bring it back! I'll be asking a combination of questions I got on Wattpad, Inkitt, and questions that I asked the OG characters from TIMH to see how their answers differ from the new generation of characters. So, before I get into the questions for the characters, I'll answer some questions for me!

*clears throat and pulls out a comedically small index card.*

Q: What inspired you to write this book?

A: This book was actually never supposed to happen, fun fact. This book only came about when I made the spontaneous decision to include a bonus chapter in this book's predecessor where Addison was questioning his sexuality. After I released that, a lot of people wanted the full story and I really wanted to write a story about someone who thought they knew what they wanted romantically but has it all turned upside down. Addi and Tyler seemed like the perfect ways of doing that while also staying in the same universe as Tear In My Heart with the beloved Madison and Noah.

*Madison, offstage*: I'm more beloved than Noah, right?– Ow! Babe, I'm kidding.

Me: Children, calm down back there! Everyone will get their own chances to talk! Now, onto the next question

Q: Since Addison is the main character, why isn't he on the cover instead of Tyler?

*Tyler, offstage*: Rude!

A (me): I've got various versions of this question since chapter 12 when Addi said that because he's not black, he could never understand the struggles that Tyler faces because of his race. I have to admit that it slipped my mind that everyone who's reading/ read this book hasn't read TIMH, therefore don't know the race descriptions of Addison and his siblings (which is fine), but also, I never thought of Addison of the main character, as weird as that sounds. Like, yeah we see the story from his perspective and see inside of his head for all of the main chapters, however, to me, this story has been about Tyler and his struggles as he deals with his trauma. I just used Addison's POV as an external way to show how difficult it is the open up about trauma and its lasting impacts on a person and those around them. But I 100% understand the confusion and will work to better clear that up when I go through and edit/ rewrite some parts of the book to fix plot holes. Hopefully, that made sense and clears that up! Now that that's over...

*Jordan throws the card over her shoulder, gets up, and walks off the side of the stage. After some sounds of a struggle, she walks back on dragging Addison by his wrist behind her*

Addison (still getting dragged despite his best effort to resist): You know you could've just, I don't know, asked me to come on stage instead of dragging me like an animal!

Jordan (unbothered): Don't take it personal. It's a tradition for me to drag the first person out.

*Noah, offstage*: It's true! She did it to me too a few years ago!

Ian (in the audience): *obnoxious clapping and hollering* Woooooh! That's my best friend! That's! My! Best! Friend!

Lelani (also in the audience): Babe, calm down. You're going to embarrass him.

(Addison blushes and gives Ian a small wave to satiate him. It works and Ian calms down)

Q: What made you start liking Tyler?

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