Arlo 🌀

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My arms were covered in bruises from being manhandled whenever I fought back

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My arms were covered in bruises from being manhandled whenever I fought back. My wrists had red snags on them where my skin caught in the restrains and my inner elbow was so tender from all the blood work I had done over my week at Starting Line institution.

But my face, it wore a smile and my eyes twinkled with happiness because although I didn't feel happy I needed everyone to think that I was.

"Arlo, I've missed seeing your face around here. Where have you been?" Cassidy linked her arm in mine, brushing against the sore parts and together we strolled down the corridor.

"I went to visit my grandparents in California." We stopped by her lockers and I tucked a blonde strand of hair behind her ear. She giggled shyly and turned her head so I leaned closer and whispered in her ear. "Did anyone ever tell you how hot you look in that dress?"

" thanks." She stammered out nervously. I stood back, smirking at her. "So, uh Arlo... do you like cheese?"

"What?" Her complexion flushed bright red.

"Cheese, do you like cheese?"



"Cool." What the fuck just happened? "Okay, I gotta go, see you around beautiful." I winked at her and then walked towards my biology class.

Blossom and I locked eyes onto each other from across the hallway and I instantly pivoted my direction and walked the other way. Pointless, considering she was in two of my classes. Biology and Performing arts. I hid out of the way in the bathrooms intentionally making myself late so she couldn't talk to me before the lesson started.

A few minutes after the bell had rang I entered my classroom and Mrs Green snapped at me to take a seat. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out to read my text message.

Blossom: can we talk after class?


A stark white paper floated down on my desk, the letter 'F' circled in a chilling red felt tip pen and Mrs Greens beady eyes poking at me from behind her rather straight nose. This is the third 'F' I have gotten in this lesson.

Not at surprised by it. My attendance is shit and I don't have the attention span for biology.

"What's going on Arlo? This paper has your name and date but the rest is blank... where's the assignment? Did you do the assignment?"

"Well of course I did, it's right there written in invisible ink."I smirked up at her and she banged her palm down on my desk. "Woah, feisty." I joked.

"Is this some joke to you Arlo? Do you not want to graduate with your class?" Her grip tightened on my desk, sending her knuckles white. I'm pretty sure right now she was imagining that was my neck.

"I'll give you one more chance at improving your grade on this paper." Right the pity treatment, the go-easy tactics all my teachers used on me because they knew about my disorder and they been briefed on where I spent my week. "At this rate anything you turn in will be an improvement."

"Let's face it teach, I'm not going to do the paper and so I'll take the F." Her eyes widened in anger, she literally wanted to kill me dead right now.

"It's your choice Arlo, I can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Either you revisit the paper or I fail you."

She began the lesson and I focused on the clock, moving my legs to the tick of each stroke. It was all I could focus on during the lesson. It seemed louder than usual, less inconspicuous.

How was I going to get out of talking to her?

Then I had an idea.

Arlo: Faint in a few minutes.
Jamie: what?
Arlo: Just faint when I get out of my seat.

I raised my arm in the air.

"Arlo?" She called on me.

"I think the frog is dead miss, he hasn't moved all lesson." She peered over her glasses at the glass enclosure and then shook her head, dismissing my claims.

"He's fine Arlo." She breathed out in a slow voice of irritation.

"Are you sure miss?" I stood up and made my way to the cage, opening up the lid and giving the massive bullfrog a poke with my finger. He hopped away from my hand just as a collision of noises sounded behind me.

"Jamie Maines!" Mrs Green screeched, I quickly turned to see Jamie lying on the floor. Successfully capturing the attention of every person in the class.

I took that as my opportunity to scoop up the bullfrog gently in my two hands and walk around the circle of pupils surrounding a semi-unconscious Jamie. It took me three seconds to stash the live frog in her desk drawer, leaving it open only a slither so the thing could breathe.

"Are you okay? Did you faint? Do you need the nurse?" Jamie spotted me in the crowd, rubbed his eyes and yawned loudly.

"No I'm fine, I fell asleep in your boring lesson and fell off my chair." He climbed to his feet and Mrs Green released an exaggerated sigh.

"Return to your seats!" She shouted and at once everybody followed orders. I smirked at Jamie letting him know the job was done.

We watched her eagerly, waiting for her to open her drawer. Every time her hand went near it we would sit upright in our seat but each time we were left disappointed.

Finally after five minutes the much anticipated moment happened, she opened her drawer and placed her hand inside without looking.

Then she screamed loud enough to blow her lungs out. The bull frog leapt out of the drawer and started hopping along the floor towards the pupils, who all darted out of the way like there was a rolling boulder heading for them.

Mrs Green pushed back on her chair and the whole thing tipped backwards making her land tipped up on the floor with her skirt practically above her head, on laundry day no less.

Her over-sized granny panties were something sky divers would be proud to use as a parachute. This was the moment everyone decided to take pictures and videos to commemorate the event.

Jamie and I however just sat back, laughing.

"Get out of my classroom, the both of you!" She screamed at us once she had stumbled to her feet and caught the frog, safely returning him his home.

"Where would you want us to go miss?" I asked with amusement.

"Get to the principal, I point blank refuse to teach either of you any longer. I don't get paid enough for this." I slung my bag over my shoulder and made for the door, I didn't need telling twice. Biology was a load of my ass.

"Looks like we're going to have to rain check that chat." I informed Blossom as I left.

Blossom 🌸On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara