Arlo 🌀

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I lay back on my bed scrolling through my phone as I mindlessly listened to music

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I lay back on my bed scrolling through my phone as I mindlessly listened to music. I had dropped the thing on my face three times already but I still hadn't learnt my lesson and sat up. I opened up the group chat.

A: I'm bored. Let's go out.
E: field in 30?
B: I'm there.
J: cant, I'm hanging out with Lydia and her friends tonight.
A: Bring them. See you at the field in thirty, you better be there Jay.

The field was buzzing with people already drunk. I grabbed a few beers from someone's cooler box and sat on the grass socializing with the teenagers from the other school. Some of them were really sketchy but we all got on well. I drank a lot, playing my usual game of taking shots whenever I set eyes on someone I didn't like.

"Arlo Peers." The brunette flipped her hair over her shoulder and blotted together her shiny lips. Her body was actually crafted by the geek gods, she had breasts and a killer ass.

"Hey beautiful, haven't seen you here in a while. Come dance with me." She laughed, tilting her head back.

"I'd rather you dance for me." I raised my eyebrows but I didn't asking twice. I pushed her down to sit on a rock and then danced for her, just like the guys do at my Uncle Zaks strip club. Obviously on this occasion my pants stayed on but I still managed to gather quite the audience.

Afterwards she climbed onto my lap and kissed my neck. "You're so fucking hot Arlo, you know, for a mixed race boy." My smile fell instantly, my whole manner turning cold.

She placed her hand on my jeans, her finger nails were carved into claws and she had a small dangly chain attached to one of them. Very slowly she moved her hand up my leg, heading towards my dick. My eyes widened a little, caught off guard but I sat still until she reached her destination and gave it a little squeeze.

"Let's go find somewhere more private." She suggested flirtatiously, still cupping my Crown Jewels. I cupped her chin and brought her face closer to mine.

"Or we could just stay right here." I whispered lowly, removing her hand from my crotch.

"Why? Because you're fucking Hattie?"

I shrugged "no, because I don't want to?"

She stood up and screamed, veins popping from her temples and her teeth clenched so hard she could have cracked the enamel. Then she turned around and hit me.

"What the fuck?" I placed my hands in front of me to defend my self but she kept hitting me, aiming for my face with her stupid sharp fingers.

"You think I want to fuck you anyway? You're only half a man, you can keep your white ass dick to yourself." I kept blocking her attack.

"Get the fuck off me!" I struggled beneath her.

Finally Eli and Jamie came running over and pulled her away from me. I jumped to my feet as they held her back.

"These your fucking friends? What a fucking sell out hanging around with the white kids. You don't deserve me, you should stick to your own kind." She pulled herself away from my friends and walked away.

"What the fuck was that?" Eli asked. I shook my head at him.

"I'm in the mood to smash stuff. Let's go vandalize the school."

We threw a rock through one of the windows and climbed inside. The whole school was in complete darkness and we ran through the halls, breaking the trophy cabinets as we passed them. I ducked into the toilets and placed paper towels in the plug holes before turning on all of the taps.

Eli headed straight for the vending machines, breaking open the doors and loading his pockets up with snacks. I had no appetite though so I took nothing.

I managed to break the hinges on Principal Moore's office. I took a baseball bat to the whole thing, taking my frustration out on his furniture. I hated him. He treated me differently, made me feel crazy. Made me feel different.

"Shit, security are coming. Run!" Jamie shouted.

We climbed out of the window and managed to get away without being caught.

When I got home, the house was in darkness and it took me a long time to get my key in the door, it kept missing the hole. Finally I managed it and tip toed across my hall to my kitchen.

I rested my palms on the kitchen counter and breathed, swaying slightly with drunkenness. The room just kept spinning.

"Are you drunk?" I shot upright fast, almost falling over but I grabbed the counter to steady myself.

"Uh Uh" I mumbled shaking my head, I tried to keep my movements as precise as possible but I think I failed.

"Fuck Arlo, you're wasted." My dad filled up a glass of water and handed me it. I shook my head. I hated drinking water when I was drunk it always made me sick. "You're not supposed to mix alcohol with your medication."

"Dad, I'm fine. I'm going to bed." I told him. "Woah!" I swayed, unstable on my own two feet. He grabbed me supporting my body weight by holding my waist.

"Where have you been?"


"What have you been doing?"


"Who was you with?"

"No one."

"Dad?" He looked up at me, concern in his brown eyes, "The school are going on a retreat next month and I want to go." He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"You do?" I nodded.

"But I know I can't." I sighed sadly.

"Say no more, leave it to me." He gave me a stern nod.

"But I can't-"

"Arlo, you're not going to let some dumb disorder rule your life. You're going on that retreat and everything is going to be fine. I'll sort it, you will not be discriminated out of something you want to be a part of."

"Principal Moore-"

"Needs to suck a bag of dicks, you want to go Arlo, you will go."

"But when I sleep-"

"We'll come, all of us. I'll sit outside your fucking room all night if I have too. It will be fine Arlo, I promise you."

"I love you dad."

"I love you too but you're so fucking grounded for this."

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