Chapter 19: Adorableness, Rage, & Rifts

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AN: Above is a picture of a Fade Rift, a gateway into the Fade, the world of Spirits and Demons.

This chapter has been edited!!

Max's POV-

"Why is everyone looking at me like that?" I ask. Once the words were out of my mouth, they averted my gaze. Well, most of them. Lucas, now shifted back, was peering at me mysteriously. Not acknowledging it, I looked down to see the red haired boy clinging to Lucas's leg. I slowly approached him, and knelt down to one knee.

"Hello", I said, my voice gentle, as to not frighten him. "My name is Max. What's your name?" He shyly turned his face to meet mine.

"M-Mason", he stuttered. I gave him a sympathetic look, and very slowly held my hand out for him to take, setting my staff on the hardwood floor. Mason looked at my outstretched hand, and very cautiously, took it.

"Is the bad man gone?" Mason asked, still having a bit of fear left in his innocent, clover green eyes. I gave him a warm and gentle smile.

"Yes, he's gone", I responded. "He can't hurt you anymore." The little boy responded by swiftly burying himself in my chest, wrapping his tiny arms around my torso. After a second of shock, I too wrapped my arms around Mason's small frame. As Mason held onto me tightly, Winter purred with joy. I understood why he would. I don't even know the boy, yet I feel like that this was just right. Like this was meant to happen at some point. Winter continued to purr, and I honestly thought he would turn into a cat with how much he was purring.

"My pup", Winter said in my head. I grinned at that. But another thought came to me, replacing my grin with a frown.

"Lucas and I are still very young", I answered back. "I'm not of age still, and we're not ready to have a child yet. Mason seems like an amazing kid, but this is a little too quick." Winter snorted.

"My pup", Winter fired back, stubbornly. I gave a light chuckle. "Shade agrees." I just chuckled again.

"Once I become of age, and the danger with Clara is gone", I reasoned. "We'll have a child then. Besides, having a child is a giant step. I don't know if Lucas and I are ready for something like this. At least, not yet." Winter just snorted again and shut me out. Rolling my eyes at him being unreasonable, I looked down to see Mason falling asleep in my arms. My heart melted at the sight of how adorable he looked. I inhaled, taking a good whiff of his scent. It consisted of strong honeysuckle and a hint of jasmine, but it smelled nice and not overwhelming. I could tell he was either an Omega or possibly a little bit Alpha, as Alphas and Omegas have the strongest scents in werewolf packs. Looking up from Mason, I turned to the people staring.

"Anybody know him personally?" I asked. "His parent's names, his birthday, anything?" Some of them gave each other nervous glances, but eventually a woman Omega stepped up.

"I know about him, Alpha Max", she said. "I'm the head nurse for the orphans."

"Go on", I pressed.

"His name his Mason Peters", she replied. "His mother's name was Ellie Peters, his father Levi Peters. They were a happy mated couple, Ellie becoming pregnant within a year of them finding out their mate bond. However, while Ellie was in labor, there were complications. Ellie bled out as Mason was being delivered, and she passed while the doctor before Alice took over tried to save her. Levi was heartbroken over his mate's death, and he never was really the same afterwards. But he picked up the pieces enough to take care of his son. He was an amazing father, even while dealing with his heavy grief. Sadly, he died last year during a rouge attack, being a pack warrior. He died of his injuries in the hospital. Poor Mason has had nothing but death and grief surrounding him all his life." Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I kept them in. But barely.

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