Chapter 8: Potions & No Magic?

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This chapter has been edited!!

Lucas's POV-

Shade and I both hated seeing our mate in pain. So when Max started to tear up, it was only instinct for me to wrap my arms around him, and just hold him close. While he let his emotions out, I wondered what Max thought of that made him start crying so suddenly. I had a good guess, given that the circumstances were the same as last night. Max was most likely thinking about how his mother died. I hope he tells me what happened soon. I want to help him, I want to support him in any way, shape, or form I can. It's my job as his mate to be there for him, and also because I'm already in love with him.

Yes, I said it. I'm in love with Max. I fell in love with him the moment I laid my eyes on him. That sounded cheesy as fuck, but it's the truth. I'd never stop loving Max, not even after death. So seeing him cry shattered my heart. Shade howled in anguish. He only wants Max to be happy, and I couldn't agree more. And right now he needs a distraction, and I have just the perfect idea.

"Want to go shopping with me later?" I whispered. "You probably need clothes, and we could get you any essentials you might need. There's also a giant candy store that has the best homemade chocolate on this planet." Max looked up at me, his eyes still a little red from crying, but he had a small grin on his adorable face.

"Are you asking me out already?" he asked, like a drama queen. I chuckled. He's so cute.

"Why yes I am!" I said, just as dramatic. "How else would we get to know each other better?" Max smiled, my wolf purring with satisfaction of seeing him smile.

"Fair point, but you don't have to spend your money on me" he said. He looked down. "I wouldn't want to be a burden anyways." I gently took his chin and raised his head to so his eyes met mine.

"Don't talk like that, you would never be a burden", I answered sternly, but gently.

"Are you sure?" Max asked, worry underlining his voice.

"I'm positive." I replied. "And besides, I want to spend my money on you, and even though we just met, I want to spoil you."

"I don't know...", he trailed off. I put my best pout face on and looked him right in the eye.

"Please Max!" I whined. "Please!" He snickered and rolled his eyes.

"Alright, you big baby", he teased.

"YYYYAAAAAYYYYY!" I screamed, with joy. Max rolled his eyes and laughed at my childish behavior. He's seen nothing yet.

"So what time are we leaving?" Max asked.

"Not until later this after noon, I have Alpha stuff to do", I answered. "I'll come get you when I'm finished." He nodded.

"I'll be in my room", Max said. "I want to practice my alchemy. I think I have an idea, but don't ask what it is! I'm not sure if it will work or not! I want it to be a surprise in case it does work!"

"AWWWW!" I whined. "Please tell me!"

"Nope", he said, popping the "p".

"Please!" I whined again. He rolled his eyes.

"No!" he said, more sternly. I pouted.

"Just one clue!" I begged. He sighed in defeat.

"Fine, let's just say it will benefit the whole pack", Max said. "Now go do your Alpha work, I need to start right away!" He turned on his heel and went back to the spare room. I wondered what kind of potion he's making. He's a mage, so it could be anything. Drawing no conclusions, I walked back to my room, threw on a white T-shirt, and went to my office to start on more, boring paperwork. Although I couldn't stop thinking of Max while I worked. He never left my thoughts.

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