26 | Cherish & Treasure

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Helloooo peeps👁👄👁

My favorite emoji so don't steal it.

Anywayys since everybody ask for Stephan pic, here he is

Anywayys since everybody ask for Stephan pic, here he is

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THIER POSITION- Ivy face was on top of Stephan left arm while his right arm was trapped over her

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THIER POSITION- Ivy face was on top of Stephan left arm while his right arm was trapped over her. Holding her tightly while his face was rested in the crook of her neck.


I moved around in my sleep feeling breathing on my neck which tickles causing me to smile.

I turned over facing him just staring at his facial features.

He was handsome and exactly my type. I really loved how he cared for me in a physically and mentally way.

I raised my hand running it through his hair. I am in love with it because it feels thick, full of hair.

He pulled me more closer into him before I felt a peck on my lips and then forehead.

I smile at the feeling before I said, "Loosen your arm"

He loosen his arm before I turned over getting ready to get out the bed but was pulled back into his embrace.

"Where are you going" he said in his sleepy voice which sounded deep and husky.

"To the restroom, now let me go" I said

I got out of his embrace beside entering his restroom. His master bedroom was connected with his bathroom area.

I handle my business before going towards the sink washing my hands

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I handle my business before going towards the sink washing my hands. I look up at myself in the mirror seeing a little joy in my eyes.

My hair was tied up into a messy bun and the light touch of makeup wasn't on my face anymore.

He didn't really wanted me wearing his clothes I had on when I came over. So right now I was wearing one of his large T-shirt and a pair of his boxers.

I smile remembering our discussion from earlier. He didn't stop one but to not make a prove to my claim.

I ended up reversing my decision about staying the night.


"I just realized, I can't stay tonight" I said as I sat on his bed watching him take off his shirt and unnecessary items.


He turned around so fast for a minute I thought he got whiplash

"What why" he said moving down towards me squeezing his way in the middle holding me around my waist.

"Because" I said trying to gather my thoughts

"Because what" he said

"I don't have my necessary items"

"What all do you need любовь"
(Love in Russian)

"I don't have clothes to wear"

"I can order my assistant to buy you some or you can wear mines" he said as he pecked my chin.

"I don't have my toothbrush and other stuff"

"I always got extras" he said as I ranned my hand through his hair kissing his lips.

Have I told y'all I love his hair.

"Anything to get me to stay" used against his lips looking into his eyes.

"Yea, anything for you" he said as he pushed his face forward connecting our lips.


I smile back at the memory.

Realizing I look like a creep just smiling in the mirror, I exit the bathroom seeing him still up waiting on me.

I make my way towards the bed opening the covers before falling in laying on top of him.

His head rested on the headboard with his phone in his hand.

His head rested on the headboard with his phone in his hand

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He placed his phone on the side before wrapping both of his arms around me

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He placed his phone on the side before wrapping both of his arms around me.

"What time is it" I ask

"3:37" he said

I nod my head before snuggling my head in the crook of his neck before pecking behind his ear.




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