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Forgive me that little trick hehehe but guess what—it did bring out some of the ghost readers but Look at this

Forgive me that little trick hehehe but guess what—it did bring out some of the ghost readers but Look at this

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I can't say I won't do it again hehehe——-

I can't say I won't do it again hehehe——----IM JUST MESSING WITH YALL, ENJOY THIS CHAPTER

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I tip the Uber after getting out the car.

I went up the drive thru, looking around. I slowly eased up towards the door before slowing opening it, hearing a crack.

I heard noises coming from the living room as I pause my movements for  a second.

Woman and Man's voices could be heard...

"Can we see them now"

"I'm ready to meet my granddaughters"

"I can't wait to meet my cousin"

"Calm down, you'll see them tomorrow but for now you'll can go to your room"

Now that voice right there sounds all too familiar since I've been living here for a couple of months now since the accident.


I peeked my head over the corner seeing the living room filled with people. Some of them look intimidating.

The old man I. The chair was just staring with a glare going towards Father as an old lady sits on his lap talking directly to father with his hands around the woman.

I shake out of my thoughts before quickly going upstairs but plans backfired when a voice spoken.

"Who are you. Are you my new cousin" the little boy toddler kept rambling on.

"Yes" I said before continuing my steps.


"Where you think your going" Dad ask

He quickly recognize Jayden voice where the stairs was including everyone else.

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