62. Can I Sit Here?

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On Monday Sofia had to adjust to the reality of wearing the watch that was spying on her whenever she went.

At breakfast, Francesco or Valentino would remind her to put it on. Sofia didn't know if she should be annoyed or grateful about how worried they were about her.

The school days were peaceful now. Valentino had everyone terrorized so no one would dare say something mean to her. Nice things, like compliments and friendly invitations, were something she heard frequently on the other hand.

Gina and other people of Sofia's class were persistently trying to befriend her but it was one annoying yet harmless element of her new school experience. Bruno and Sofia named their table the "can I sit here?" table. Neither Bruno nor Sofia were rude enough to say no when someone showed up to ask them if they can sit with them. And they could of course but here's the catch: It was a race with time. One day Sofia and Bruno arrived at the cafeteria and their table was full of people arguing who should leave but ultimately they couldn't make a decision and Sofia and Bruno just sat at another table.

"I can't believe this is my life now," Sofia said shaking her head at their classmates' weird behavior.

"It's fucking hilarious" Bruno replied without trying to hide his amusement "They're trying too hard"

"Well, I'm not going to argue with that" Sofia replied while taking a sip of her mango-flavored drink.

"Sof, how many energy drinks did you have today?" Bruno asked, with suspicion in his voice.

"What, are you a cop?" She snapped. Ok, she found a way to defeat her constant tiredness, so what?

He raised his hands in a defensive gesture.

"Sorry for asking why you're trying to turn your blood into sugar" Bruno replied humorously, without taking offense at her behavior.

"You're forgiven," she said graciously and smirked at him.

"So, how was the banquet?" Bruno asked changing the topic.

"I don't even know where to start" Sofia replied. "I still can't believe I was a part of it. I was trying to buy Salvadore Dali's painting can you believe it?!" Sofia was rambling about it for several minutes and then she moved to another topic. "Then my brothers were invited for a dinner with the prime minister"

"Wait... really?!" Bruno was both shocked and excited "And what's his house like?"

"I wasn't there," Sofia said, sighing.

"What? Why?"

Sofia shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't feel like going"

The truth is she didn't want to see Cesare so she found an excuse not to go.

Bruno seeing that she doesn't want to talk about it changed the topic.

"I've been thinking... would you like to go out with me tomorrow for a coffee? After classes I mean?" He asked, a bit too quickly. The awkward atmosphere entered their table.

"Tomorrow I have my last session with Felice," Sofia said regretfully. "How about "Wednesday?"

"Wednesday works" Bruno agreed quickly. He became more lively after she agreed. "Your last session?"

Sofia sighed and recalled the conversation she had with Francesco.

Francesco insisted on driving her to school. Valentino wasn't with them because he took his own car, he had football practice after classes.

It was a sunny day but still cold so Francesco was wearing sunglasses and a heavy coat made from black wool.

"You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine," she said.

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