0. Prologue

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Who's my father?

That's the question Sofia was asking since she was young but mom would always change the topic whenever Sofia brought it up.

"Mom I have the right to know" Sofia would say.

"I think we already established that I'm not going to tell you and I suggest you drop the topic" Mother would respond sharply.

"Why does it always have to be like this? Why can't you just tell me?" Sofia asked in tears in her eyes.

"You're the one who continues to bring it up after I repeatedly told you that I don't want to talk about it" she yelled in irritation and opened the liquor cabinet.

"Don't drink" Sofia whispered quietly in a pleading voice. "I'm sorry I asked. Mommy please"

"Go to your room" mother responded with no emotion. It was a strict command. She was already busy pouring vodka into her glass.

Sofia left the kitchen, with tears in her eyes.

She will never ask mom this question again. This was the last time.


"Mom wake up. Wake up, Jesus, you're going to be late for work"

"Oh shit, thank you, sweetie. You're the best"

The best my ass. Sofia thought bitterly. She just didn't need mom to relapse again. Her business was already failing if she's not going to get a grip this time they will lose the restaurant for sure.

Despite her mom's weaknesses Sofia still loved her. Very much so. That's why it hurt so much when she wasn't doing well. The past few months were so good and now everything was going to shit again. Sofia pushed these thoughts away, she couldn't let mom see her cry. That would only make things worse she would feel guilty and drink even more. That's why Sofia preferred to be a perfect angel. She smiled brightly and said "You're welcome. Have a good day at work" Sofia gave mom a quick peck on the check and left the room.

She had school at 9 a.m. so she could calmly make breakfast for herself and watch how mother springs out of the house panicked. Mom was so chaotic, she would be late for work again.

"Mom, wait"

"What is it? I don't have time baby"

Sofia took a deep breath. She was nervous. She didn't want to say it.

"I ran out of meds I need cash" Sofia said awkwardly looking at the floor. She felt so guilty.

"Fuck. Sofia those pills cost a fortune" mom said in a serious tone "You know my restaurant is not doing as well as it uses to and Paul disappeared somewhere"

"I know"

Sofia felt sadness and guilt when she pleading for money. Also - shame. She wanted to finish school already and stop feeling like a beggar every time she asked for something.

New clothes? You have enough. Book? Borrow one from a library. Again school supplies shopping? Why do you break everything? You have no respect for things I buy for you with hard earned money.

Sofia always felt sick when asking mom for money because she would always hear this type of response.

Mom's mood changed a bit when she met her boyfriend, current husband several months ago. She was really in a good state, in the best mental place Sofia ever saw her. This is why Sofia got brave enough to ask if she can go to a psychologist and indeed she was allowed to. For six sessions only, this is the amount mom's insurance could cover. Sofia couldn't continue but Ms. Brennan, convinced mom to pay for a visit to a psychiatrist. Dr. Schwartz diagnosed Sofia with bipolar disorder and ever since she was taking meds. She was feeling way better after taking them. But meds even without therapy costed fortune therefore Sofia wanted to stop taking them after she feels a little better. The only problem is that she was scared of what's going to happen if she drops them. She couldn't exactly predict her future behavior. She was such a failure.

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