CH. 4 Class President

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After a week or so, the campaign was coming along great. During the elections, it was the only time when there was some sort of chaos in school. Barely. People were going nuts. Giving out candy was a big thing. Seeing as how we weren't allowed to bring food from home. I still did though. Other people did too but were sneaky about it. I didn't really care about getting caught.

Kayla had the idea of handing out cupcakes. At first, I thought it was too predictable but then I saw that the other candidates were only giving out candy. Even by a little, it would give me an advantage. So here we were, giving out cupcakes, along with Vote For Nikki Everdeen pins. At the entrance of the school, we stood there, smiling while welcoming in the girls.

My throat was drying from all the nice comments that I was giving to the girls. My eyes wandered to the drinking water fountain. Staring at it, an idea came to mind. "Kayla," I waved her over to me. When she stood next to me, I whispered, "We should make a poster that says Free Drinks On Me! Vote For Nikki Everdeen! and place it at the water fountain," I grinned.

"I love it!" and it showed.

As the days passed, I was getting more into the whole idea of becoming the student body president. Mainly because I could possibly make a change. Vending machines came to mind. Ah, I would so love to have some in here. My classmates would love me forever. Power! I wanted power! Grandpa said one day I would take over but that was so far away. I wanted to make changes while still being a student here. This was my last year, and I had to make the best of it.

Luke peeked his head in. "Come here," he called us over. We stepped outside. "How is it going?" he asked. On the left side of his chest, there was a Vote For Luke, Bro pin attached to his blazer. I loved it!

"It's going great," I signaled to the happy girls, whom were eating the cupcakes. "By the way, can I have a pin?" I really wanted one.

"Of course," he pulled two out of his backpack and handed one to Kayla and I each. "So far, I'm having success too," he popped his collar, all confident like. He leaned in to whisper, "Secretly, I'm handing out hall passes." That might not have seemed like a big deal but it definitely was. This school was too strict and getting a hold of hallway passes was nearly impossible.

"Dude, give me one," I held my hand out.
He chuckled and discreetly, pulled out the passes from his front pocket. "Hide them well," he warned, while giving one to me, then to Kayla.

"Awesome," Kayla admired it before hiding it in her bag.

Seconds after, Ms. Bitch showed up. "Student," she directed her attention to Luke. "Step away from this area," she demanded while gripping the collar of his blazer, kicking him out. "You are not allowed here," she stated.

"I'm not even inside," Luke defended himself.

"Stay on your own side!" Ms. Bitch dragged him away.

A few girls were nearby, watching the whole thing. I spoke to them, "If I'm voted president, she'll be the first to go," I promised. Getting her fired would be impossible, but this wouldn't be real if I didn't make false promises. Satisfied by what I just guaranteed, they left with huge smiles. "Kayla, we so got this," she gave me a high five. There was no real competition. Winning was practically guaranteed.


Apparently, ever since this morning, Kayla had heard many girls saying that they wanted to vote for me. So far, I was on top. Wow, this was easier than what I expected. Who knew it would be this exciting. Good thing that my friends convinced me.

Holding a few cupcakes in a tray, I walked into art class. As I walked to my seat, I crossed paths with Ms. Hart. "Cupcake?" I offered.

"No, thanks," she made no eye contact and seemed completely uninterested. Just walked away. Her loss.

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