Letters !

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To Gehna,
I hope when my letter reaches you things would have been better than they where when Maheen and you left Agra.
Maheen is a child, she is hurt and the only person she trusts today is you.
Please take good care of her.
Aditya is a good man, you can trust him in that foreign land.
Just him !
Keep sending updates and let this exchange of letters be a secret.
Khuda hafiz
Abeer Ali Khan


Things are better than I had anticipated them to be. Maheen is still upset, understandably so. But I'm sure she will make her space here.
Aditya is a really nice man, very respectful towards me and even Maheen despite her hot tempered attitude towards him.
You don't have to worry about Maheen, she has me here for as long as she needs me and she has her husband.
Take care of everyone back home.
Take care of yourself


To Gehna,
Your letter puts my heart at peace.
I feel better knowing that Maheen doesn't have just you there but even Aditya, I know he is a good man but your words make my heart lighter.
How is Maheen ? Does she miss home ? Has she spoken about any of us ?
Abeer Ali Khan


I hope you are doing fine and everyone at home as well.
Maheen is doing fine here, she has made friends with Aditya's sister and was relieved well by the Queen mother as well.
She is still bitter about what happened with Aditya and with everyone back at home as well, give it time.
Sab theek ho jayega Abeer, Maheen ko waqt dena hai sirf, let her heal.
How are you ? How are maa, baba, Meera bua and Haider uncle.
Please take care of everyone and yourself.
I know you will worry about Maheen even if I ask you not to, but know I will do anything and everything to keep her safe and happy.
Take care


To Gehna,
It's been quite some time since you both have left, it feels like years already without Maheen's laughter resonating and bouncing off the walls of the palace.
My eyes look around for you two playing and skipping in the corridors.
This void is so deep.
I hope Maheen is doing well and so are you.
Keep writing.


I miss home too and I'm sure Maheen does too but she has a new palace to call her home now.
She was crowned the Queen officially tonight and my words will never justify how majestic she looked.
Truly a Queen.
She looked like a version of Meera bua today.
You all would have been so proud of her today.
The people here have received her with open arms and warm hearts.
Soon if god wishes Maheen will open up with Aditya as well.
Take care of yourself
We shall meet soon


To Gehna,
You have lifted such a huge weight off my chest. I'm so glad that Maheen has settling in.
In all of this what happened in the past, I was so scared and engrossed in Maheen that I failed to realise how much all of this has effected you, changed your life as well.
I know letting you go to stay in Ayodhya was not right just so Maheen could have someone by her side.
I'm so sorry Gehna, I really am.
I promise to get you home as soon as things get better.
Take care of yourself.


I hope everyone back at home is doing good and you are too.
You don't have to live with guilt or dwell about me shifting here to Awadh at all. I am doing good, everyone is good to me here.
Aditya in fact has offered to teach me sword fighting.
Everything shall soon fall into place, you don't have to worry.
Take care of yourself and everyone back at home.


To Gehna
I overheard Maa and Avantika aunty were talking yesterday. They miss you both, you and Maheen and I wish neither of you had to leave, I wish Dev never happened.
I feel like a failure. He entered my house and toyed with my pride and then left us to drown in the mess he had created.
Although in all of this I'm glad Maheen found someone like Aditya to spend her life with. I hope they are doing well.
Take care of yourself and Maheen.


Maheen has stopped blaming Aditya for what Dev did to her, although her anger at others remains the same. I know that soon she will forget and forgive and realise that whatever happened was nobody's fault but Dev's.
Everything here apart from a little hiccups here and there is great.
How is maa and baba ? If you meet them let them know I miss them and will write to them soon.
Let me know how things are at home.
Take care of yourself Abeer


To Gehna
Everything here is okay here. It feels empty without you and Maheen playing mischief around but everyone is trying to fill the gap, engaging themselves in something or the other.
We interrogated Balram Shashtri, have been interrogating him but he is tough to crack.
He hasn't uttered a word, but I know he will soon.
How is your sword fighting going on ? What do you do to keep busy ?
I hope you are taking care of yourself.
Keep me updated


Im keeping busy here, learning history of this place for now and also learning how to cook in my free time.
I haven't begun the sword fighting lessons yet, tomorrow would be my first day, I will write to you after my first lesson at how bad I was.
Don't trouble yourself with Balram Shashtri, he will crack.
Stay safe and take care


Shatri ran away. Baba was in the cellar interrogating him when he stabbed baba and ran away.
Baba is critical, the medic says the hope of him surviving this is not high.
Maa is inconsolable.
Shashtri is missing and I haven't been able to trace him.
Let Aditya know
Keep this from Maheen for now.


How is Haider Uncle ??
I have informed Aditya
How are you ? Please take care and keep me updated.
I'll pray for him.


I may lose him Gehna and I'm scared.
I can't lose him, I'm not ready.
I'm scared
Shashtri can't be tracked down, have asked Udaipur for help as well.
Do not tell Maheen
Take care


AN: Not your regular update but I'm sick and getting tested tomorrow again for covid.
These letters are an exchange between Gehna and Abeer.
The characters to my maybe one short or next story.
I will upload a new chapter as soon as I feel better and can write
Drop ideas on what you want to see next
Stay safe
Lots of love

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