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Maheen sat on the rooftop common all the sections of the palace, it was the highest point of their palace and had a birds eye view of the city of Agra.

She often came here to star gaze if she did not go to her spot by the lake. She looked at the stars twinkling, she looked at the sky and smiled, the sky was brighter than usual today.

"Do you have a death wish ?" The voice startled Maheen who sat on the high boundary wall of the castle, she regained her composure realising the owner of the voice.

"Do you like sneaking on to people when they are enjoying their silence." She retorted.

"Get down Maheen." Dev said walking towards her.

"No I'm happy here I -  Oh my god what are you doing." Maheen shrieked as she felt his arm around her waist. He hoisted her up and brought her down to the ground.

"One slip and you are plummeting 200 feet towards your death."

"I've been doing this since I was 14, I know -."

"Oh shut up. You psycho." Dev said teasing her.

"How dare you." Maheen narrowed her eyes at him. She fisted her hand and punched him on his arm.

"You wound me." He mocked.

Maheen raised her fist again to hit him but Dev's fast reflexes blocked her fist in his own hand. Holding her hand captive in his he pulled her towards him.

Maheen lurched forward towards Dev. Her fist still in his grip.

"Leave me you idiot." She said struggling to free her hand.

"I don't intend to." He said smiling down at her. "Not now, never infact." He said.

Dev took a step forward, a few inches between the two. He still held Maheen's hand, now weaving his fingers with hers.

"Mahi." He said his breath falling in her face. "I'm... I... step back if you don't want this." He said closing his eyes for a second.

Maheen looked at him, the man she had known for the past few days, the man who had interested in hour long conversation, the man who stood in front of her making her heart beat faster and her stomach feel funny.

Maheen looked at her as he opened his eyes and a pair of amber eyes, rooted in her spot. Maheen looked at him with parted lips, taking in every inch of his handsome face.

She watched him as his eyes opened, and a smile played on his lips.

"I'm smitten." He said bending down to place his forehead against hers. "You have stolen my heart." He said.

Maheen smiled, her eyes downcast, she had never felt this way, she had never known a man's love which wasn't paternal.

"Mahi." Dev said in barely a whisper. He cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes before bending down to touch her soft plump lips with his own.

Maheen could feel her abdomen explode, his soft warm lips massaged hers softly at first then his hunger to kiss her showed, he nipped and carcasses her with his own, claiming her lips and her.

Maheen pushed him away as she ran out of breath.

"That was something." He said with a smile to which Maheen just blushed.

"I..I've got you something." He said and fetched a small velvet pouch from his pocket.

He drew the strings apart and pulled out a pair on anklets. The bells on them making Maheen let a laugh of joy.

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