24. Are you a terrorist?

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"Why am I here?" Alexander wondered, his voice void of emotions. When he'd received a call from Byron saying Nancy wanted to see him, he'd immediately thought of the worst, but the guy had announced that he'd finally made it, he'd managed to get Nancy to renounce to her claims, secret clause included.

Alexander had remained befuddled at the mention of a hidden clause written in white ink, and mildly mad at Emma for not having said a word about it to him, informing Byron instead. She'd justified it as not wanting to disrupt their cozy happy bubble, and hoping that their new friend would really work his magic.

Alexander understood that, and because, as she'd pointed out, that omission evened out the past lies about his relationship with Nancy, it was easy to forgive her. Especially when her apologies involved lingerie and a lot of whipped cream.

"I thought your lawyer told you." Nancy mused, placing a stack of papers on the desk, right in front of him."

"He did, but I still don't get why did I have to come all the way here for it. You could have sent me the papers via Byron himself."

"Well, I guess it counts as a divorce, I guess I wanted to see you one last time." Nancy claimed, her tone almost endearing to his ears.

Alexander was taken aback. At the start of this insanity, they had bonded, becoming friends, and at some point, they'd even ended up sleeping together a few times, before going back to their strict contract.

He'd fooled himself, thinking that the heartless court shark/man eater was just a façade, that he understood her more than most. But it'd only been smoke and mirrors. She had consciously let him believe that he was more than just a tool.

Alexander had never been really interested in a true relationship, but the rare endearing moments they'd shared, he'd dared hope that, at the very least, there would be a friendship.

In the end, he was and always would be grateful to her for giving him back his freedom. Only too late would he realize that he'd merely traded one prison with another.

"Cute." He merely commented, grabbing the pen and the papers. "You don't mind if I read it first, right?"

"Sure not." Nancy grinned. "Your lawyer already did, but feel free to make sure."

"I mean, last time I didn't pay attention, I almost wound up getting married and becoming father without knowing." He scoffed, starting to read through the documents.

"Oh, about that ..." Nancy claimed, hand over her stomach.

Alexander's gaze immediately shot to her. No, she hadn't ... she couldn't have possibly ... "As much as I believe in the miracles of science, last time we had sex was what, 9 months ago."



"I'm sorry, maybe they don't teach basic biology for GED, but you know, usually it takes 9 months for a human being to be created." She condescended.

Alexander leaped to his feet. "This is bullshit, it's not possible." He started pacing the office. "Not even you could stoop so low." He raked a hand over his face. "And you couldn't possibly hide a pregnancy for that long!"

"See for yourself." She claimed. When the door to her office opened, a group of women entered, all carrying a baby in their arms.

Alexander started sweating cold as, one by one, Nancy's clone assistants neared him, babies in their arms. His heart rate increased, his breaths hitched as he backed up against the large windows. "No, no, this isn't real, no, no, no ..." the windows broke, and he fell off, screaming at the top of his lungs.

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