17. Wait for me

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"You said she would crawl back to me." Daniel spat, furious. "You said that if you cornered her, she would come back to me."

Nancy shrugged as she gazed outside the giant windows in his office. "We discussed this. You're supposed to come in as her savior," she reminded him, "and what's a knight in shining armor without a damsel in distress?"

Daniel clenched his jaw. "The specific damsel left New York. That was never part of the deal."

"She'll be back."

"How do you know?"

Nancy smirked, fixing her blood red lipstick. "Because she's a born martyr. She'll come begging on his behalf, and that'll be your chance to save her from oh, naughty, naughty me." The young lawyer laughed wryly. "It'll work, Danny, don't you fret. You'll barge in as her savior and make her forget about all you did to her-"

"I did nothing to her." He defended, adjusting on his seat. How wrong had he been to even only make a deal with the devil! How could he think that this foolish plan would bring his Allison back to him? "I would have gone to prison for her," he clenched his fists, remembering the endless arguments with his father years back.

"Sure, sure," Nancy rolled her eyes as she pocketed her lipstick. She turned around and went to him, sneering. "Oh, Danny," she said as she traced his features with her long fingers, "you're such a child. Didn't anyone ever teach you to take responsibility for what you do? Emma surely has learned that."

Daniel slipped out of her grip, standing up and going to the window, as if taking distance from his own misdeeds. "I never wanted to hurt her, I-"

"Yeah, yeah, you love her ... whatever." Nancy yawned. "Goodness, that girl must be a real bomb in the sheets if you guys get so whipped."

"You of all people should know that sex doesn't buy everything." Daniel mused, only to then sigh, raking a hand over his hair. "I was an immature brat that let slip the best thing that ever happened to him. And now it's too late ..."

"Do you even listen to me?" Nancy spat, getting irritated. "This is your chance, you moron! It's what we planned, isn't it?"

"The plan was that she would call me, desperate, when you cornered her. The plan was that I would swoop in when you made trouble for her, and she would be grateful to me and we'd mend everything. But she left. How am I supposed to fix anything when she left?"

Once again, Nancy rolled her eyes, walking up to him. This is what I get for working with imbeciles, she told herself. "Oh, my God, you're just as stupid as your father said." She flicked his forehead. "Think, idiot, think." She said. "She left in a hurry, with no money."

"But he's with her."

Nancy laughed loudly. "You think he has a penny for his name? Please. I can freeze his bank account just like that," she snapped her fingers. "But it's not even about that."

"Then what?"

The young lawyer sighed, tired of having to explain herself because her partner in crime just didn't get it. "Ok, listen, I'll make it clear enough for your tiny mind to get it." Nancy said, walking back to the windows. "Alex is on parole, and he just left the State. What do you think will happen to him if he misses the visit from his parole officer on Friday?"

"He'll go back to prison. So?"

"Your Emma-sorry, Allison, she's a born martyr. He got in this trouble for going after her ... do you think she'll let him go to prison?"

"No ...?"

Nancy smirked, nodding. "So ...?"

"I don't understand ..."

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