Chapter 15

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'Don't look at his killer eyes, don't don't! I kept chanting like mantra but still I couldn't break any eye contact with him. His phone rang suddenly and it broke away the moment. His ears were pink and he coughed and moved away. My face was still burning and I ran to the bathroom. After showering I went to the kitchen and kamala aunty was making chapatis. I helped her make the potatoe gravy and after that we had breakfast.

'any plans today?' Since it's a weekend he asked me. I still couldn't make any proper eye contact with him, I think he was just trying to break the tension between us.

'oh nothing, I just wanna sleep and sleep' I said stretching my hands as I sat on the sofa and started flipping channels. And that's when I saw my favorite drama, repeat telecast of that week. Oh shoot, I have missed so many episodes, what? Ashwin married shruthi.. No! His mine! Only mine! I was so sad. I ignored akash totally and started scolding shruthi for stealing my ashwin. I stopped when I heard a loud laugh. I turned angrily and saw akash laughing at me.

'What is funny here? Huh?' I asked him angrily.

'you are so funny, I never knew you were into soap operas'

'hey, it's not just a soap opera, it's my ashwin s' I said dreamily.

'ashwin?' he questioned me getting a bit jealous.

'why do you have to look at him, when you have me next to you?' he asked grabbing me. What is with this romantic side of akash. Strange.

I looked at him, thinking of the right words to answer his question, but I felt some kind of strange sensation on my tummy maybe that's what we call butterflies.

'he is hot and good looking' I said removing his hands off me and going back to watch the drama only to be roughly pulled towards him. He pulled me towards him and now I was almost hugging him, quite close and almost touching each other. He held me by my waist and looked at me possessively . 'am I not that hot shravaaniii?' he said huskily and the way he said my name gave me goosebumps. He didn't call me minion but he called me shravani. He then again tucked a hair strand that was dangling on my forehead next to my ear. My heart was beating so fast and I didn't know what to do. His eyes were like magnet and I couldn't resist looking at his eyes. I cannot let him win, I shouldnt show him that he affects me. Without thinking twice, I looked at his eyes and said 'nopeeee', and removed his hands and I quickly fast walked to the kitchen. My inner voice kept saying liar liar,but I just ignored it.

After few minutes,he came to the kitchen and told me he is going to swim and if I could bring him a towel. I went upstairs, still thinking about that incident and took his towel and I looked for him everywhere, but I couldn't find him. I went to the pool side, and there he was swimming. Oh gosh he looked so hot, I couldn't deny that. My eyes betrayed me as they kept looking at his body. He was swimming and he looked so good. He looked hotter than ashwin, I couldn't deny that I was crushing on him now.
I kept ogling at him shamelessly for about ten minutes when I realised he was calling me. He walked out of the pool asking for the towel and I looked away shying. He was just in his boxes, gosh, I felt heat creeping up my ears and cheeks.

He coughed to get my attention and when I looked at him, he was wearing the towel, but still some water droplets were there on his chest and his hair was dropping wet. He kept shaking his hair using his hand and looked at me.

'I'm not hot? Ha, then why were you looking at me as if you were going to eat me?' he asked me.

Shoot, what am I gonna say now.
'I wasn't.. Lo.. at you,' I stammered. And I quickly turned and started walking back to the house.

He pulled me and I knocked on his barebody. With his wet hands he pulled me closer to him and shook his head, those water droplets landed on my face. It was cold and my stomach was doing somersaults. I was so nervous and panicking. His touch is really affecting me, but the other thing which has started bothering me is that I like it. I struggled to get away from his grip, but he held me firmly.

'tell me that I'm hot! And I'll leave you' he said as he once again blowed air to my eyes. I nodded my head saying no. Me and my ego. He gripped me more firmly and started coming closer to me, very close to my liking. With one hand he gripped my face and pulled it closer to his face. Is he going to kiss me? No! No! The only sane thing I decided to do at that time, was to close my eyes. I could feel his breath on my cheek and I thought my heart would jump out of my ribcage. He leant more closer and touched my lips with his lips, like for a second and then he let me go. When I didn't feel his hands on me, I opened my eyes in shock and there he was looking at me shyly. I felt so embarrassed and shy, that I just ran to my room. Shit shit, what just happened, he kissed me!.
It was just a peck my inner voice screamed. It doesn't matter, it was still my first kiss. I argued. I liked it.I was so shy that I was just lost in my thoughts half of the day. When he came to change, I quickly pulled a blanket and covered myself,to avoid looking at him.

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