Chapter 14

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Shravani's pov

Even though he pissed me off so much, my stupid heart told me otherwise. So here I had prepared a proper meal, which consisted of yellow rice, kerala styled fish curry, beans gravy, and a potato fry. My mouth was watering at the sight and smell of the delicacies I had cooked. Where did this man go to?. Why should I wait for him. I'm going to eat now. I'm so hungry. My stomach was growling.

I arranged the table and waited for him while scrolling through my phone. Mr grumps entered with a smile.

'woah minion, I didn't know you could cook' he said rubbing his hands and he sat on the chair next to me.

I frowned. 'of course I can, eeww what are you doing, go wash your hands' I said

'I already did, stop bossing around and serve me food' 

'look Mr. I did you a favor by cooking, I am not going to serve you' I said loading my plate. I know it was a simple matter to serve him food, but I was still annoyed with him and I'm not lenient.

He huffed and piled heaps of food and ate.

After we ate, I asked him excitedly ' how was it?'

'not bad!' he grumbled.

'you arrogant piece of urgh' I yelled at him and went inside.

Well this was how life with Mr grumps was going on. He never compliments me, heck we don't even have proper conversations without arguing. And our sleeping patterns, well he always slept next to me and he would build big pillow barriers everyday, but still got kicked. Yes he did complain a lot and called me various names but he still continued sleeping next to me. And I refused to cook after that day so kamala aunty his maid was cooking for us.

I started my work and it was still boring. This is not what I want, i want to build my career and here I'm not even getting good cases.

And one day, akash surprised me by coming to the court one afternoon. We went our usual coffee shop.

'how was your day, vaani? He asked me as he ordered a cappuccino.

' it was great, guess what? I got a stay order against a multimillionaire. I'm so happy, and I'm going to cook dinner tonight, so don't get late' I said happily.

'woah woah, you already bother me so much with your energy and now it's going to be worse' akash said smiling.

'haha yeah, you haven't seen me this happier, I  do crazy things when I'm happy' I said laughing.

'alright what are you cooking tonight?' ' he asked me sipping his coffee.

' umm, I'm thinking, what do you like to eat? ' I asked him.

' I like chicken ' he said.

' alright'

'wait are you going to cook my favourite dish' he said winking at me.

'hey, don't get any ideas' I said playfully hitting his hand.

'ouch' he said fake acting and rubbing his hand. He looked cute. Wait, where did that come from. Why does he look cute to me? Shravu, what's wrong with you. And why is he so nice to me.

And together we laughed and stayed for some time before going home.

That night I made a simple egg fried rice, and butter chicken. I served him and waited to see his reaction. Why do u care about his reaction? And why did you serve him. Stupid shravani.

As he tasted it, he gave me an appreciative nod and said 'mmmm it's so yummy, the best chicken I have tasted so far'

'don't let kamala aunty hear you, otherwise she's going to add extra salt to your food.' I said laughing and I paused. 'wait did you compliment me?' I asked him looking at him surprised. He just shrugged and went back to eating. I started smiling involuntarily, this is the first time he complimented my food.
After that tremendous heavy dinner, we decided to go out for a walk, we'll I forced him to go on a walk. We went to the park nearby and akash was saying how full he was, rubbing his stomach. I couldn't stop laughing at his childish antics.

'look minion, I have a big tummy now,' he said showing his nonexistent belly. Sometimes I wonder where that arrogant grumps was, I loved his childish cute self.

'oh come on, i can't see anything there,shall we sit there, I'm too tired to walk' I said pointing at a bench.

There was no one in the park since it was about 9.30. We spoke a bit and he told me about his work me and it was was his Dream business and he wanted to expand it.

'you know, I like cute akash than grumps' I said looking at the sky.

'hey, I'm not cute' he smacked my arm.

'fine fine grumps'

'let's go, it's getting cold' I said standing up.

That night I went to bed with so much of positive thoughts and my stupid crush coming back to my heart.

That night I had a dream of us. It was a romantic one, more like akash was trying to kiss me and I was trying to push him, but when I woke up, I was embarrassed.

I had hugged him and we were so closer and my face was so close to his. His eyes were open and looking at me intently.

I shrieked and pushed him off the bed.

'what the hell is wrong with you woman' he yelled at me while rubbing his bum.

'why were you close to me, you jerk' I asked him as I started throwing pillows at him.

'me close to you, hahahah' he started laughing. 'more like you pulled me and hugged me and then you tried to kiss me' he said looking at me strangely.

'you were muttering something and pulling me closer. What kinds of dreams are you having about me minion?' he said smirking, and he started walking towards me.

I was still standing shocked with a pillow in my hand. Wait that wasn't a dream. Omg. My face was burning with embarrassement.

' I.. I.. Was dreaming about.. My hero..' I said stuttering.

'oh but I heard you saying akash not some other name, minion if you want a kiss, you can ask me directly' he said pulling me off guard. I bumped into his chest and my heart was beating so loudly.

'le..let me g.. goo' I said again stuttering trying to free myself. He was looking at me with such intensity, I felt like I was drawn towards him.

Do you think they will have their first kiss?

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