Chapter 16 - The fight

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Ben continued to be busy with work the days following the party. Stella asked if she could come along and help, but he refused. He explained that he didn't want any secrets between them, but he still wanted her as far away as possible from the business. It was annoying, but she was thankful. Her instincts were always to help the ones she cared about, but she hated drugs and what they did to people, so she didn't want anything to do with the business.

Neither of them discussed the kiss. It was almost as if it hadn't happened. But Stella thought about it sometimes, and each time it felt like her body was on fire, but it didn't take long for guilt to wash over her and extinguished the fire.

Stella kept busy by helping Diana and Ed with their wedding plans. They also had an official wedding planner, but Diana and her had some communication issues. For as long as Stella could remember, Diana never wanted to do what someone told her to do. Every fiber of her was a rebel. Unfortunately, that also meant that Diana refused every idea that the poor wedding planner proposed.

After a while the wedding planner caught up with Diana's behaviour and started presenting the opposite of what she really meant, or only left out clues to her ideas so that Diana could be the one making the suggestion. It was entertaining watching them work together. It was a complicated dance and Ed and Stella often had to hide their giggles.

Stella enjoyed helping them with the wedding. When she did, all troubles went away. Her past, her grandma, Ben's business - none of the troubling thoughts that usually weighed her down managed to creep in. They were just a normal and happy family.

She spent most of her evening with Tristan. Now that they'd had their first kiss, that was all she wanted to do when she saw him. It was like their lips were magnetised to each other. They often walked with Winston in the forest or along the beach and spent time watching the stars and talking by the old lighthouse.

One evening Stella and Tristan decided to go to the café in town. They both ordered an ice cream and sat down opposite of each other in one of the booths. Stella chose chocolate ice cream and Tristan cookie-dough. Winston was also with them and he had a small bowl of water and some bacon.

They hadn't said it out loud, but there was no denying that they were a couple now. They wrote good morning to each other as soon as they woke up and good night before they went to sleep. They met up as often as possible and could not keep their hands away from each other.

The bells hanging from the café door jingled and Stella turned around to see who it was coming in. It was Ben and Kian. For some strange reason it felt like the ground beneath her disappeared. Her two worlds, Ben and Tristan, hadn't collided before. She didn't know how to act now that they were in the same place.

Ben smiled and started walking towards her, but all of the sudden his smile disappeared. At first he looked chocked, which turned into fear and then anger. Stella got scared and confused. She turned towards Tristan who looked like he had seen a ghost. Ben continued walking towards them and with each step he seemed more and more furious. His face was red, his jaw stiff and his nostrils expanded.

"I'm sorry," Tristan said and held up his hands as if he was at gunpoint. He was talking to Ben. "I had no idea, I promise.

Do they know each other?

Ben hit Tristan's head against the table, leaving a stain of blood. Everything at the café stopped and everyone turned to them, but nobody did anything. Even Stella froze, she and everyone else were too shocked to react. Ben grabbed Tristan by the hair and threw him to the floor and started kicking him and screamed:

"How could you?! She's family! She's innocent!"

Tristan didn't fight back, he just laid on the floor and kept saying "sorry"

After the third kick Stella finally woke up from her trance. She got up from the table and tried to go between Ben and Tristan, but Kian grabbed her arms and held her back.

"Stop," Stella screamed, crying. "Please! I beg you. Why isn't anyone helping?! Please!"

"Calm down," Kian whispered. "Close your eyes, you shouldn't have to see this."

Stella kicked Kian between the legs and wiggled out of his grip. She threw herself over Tristan's body to protect him from Ben's kicks and hits.

"I'm sorry," Tristan whispered. It was hard to hear what he said because of all of the blood in his mouth. "I didn't know. I promise."

Before Stella could ask Tristan what he meant Ben pulled her away.

"Come Stella. We're going home."

Stella cried violently, she could barely breathe. She kept asking Ben why the entire way home, but he didn't say a word. When they finally reached the parking lot he pulled up the hand break, took a deep breath and looked at her.

"Okay," Ben said and took Stella's hand. "Please calm down. Trust me. I'm fucking furious, but we need to be normal when we go inside. Ed and Diana can't know. Try breathing with me." They took three deep breaths together. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah," Stella lied.

"Okay," Ben caressed her cheek. His hand still had Tristan's blood on it. She wanted to push him away, but sat still. She knew she had to play along if she wanted to get any answers. "What do you know about Tristan?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, what has he told you about his family?"

"That his mom ran away when he was young, that his dad has a drinking problem and that his brother is sick. Why are you asking me questions? You're the one that should be giving answers, not me."

"You have no idea do you?" Ben laughed resignedly.

"What?! Tell me! I'm so tired of not knowing anything!" Stella screamed and punched the window.

"Calm down!" Ben said with a stern voice. Stella closed her eyes and took another deep breath. "Do you remember Max?"

"The guy that held a gun towards my head and threatened to kill me?" She answered ironically. "Yeah, I remember him." She could see that Ben was losing his temper again and immediately regretted giving him a bad attitude. She gently put her hand on his thigh. "I'm sorry."

"That's Tristan's older brother."

"What do you mean?"

An agonising and rotten feeling spread throughout her body, like poison was pumping out from her heart.

"Max is Tristan's older brother. It's obvious that this is part of some sick plan of theirs. They would do anything to get to me. You can never see him again." Stella was too shocked to answer. "It's all fake. He doesn't care about you. You can't see him again. Never. Promise." She nodded. "And if he ever tries to get in touch with you, you need to let me know."

Stella dried her tears and sneaked past Ed and Diana up to her bedroom. They were busy with a bottle of wine and didn't hear her cries from upstairs. Ben had gone back to the office, but Winston was there to dry her tears. Without him she'd be lost.

Could it really be? Sweet, innocent and caring Tristan. My first kiss, my first boyfriend. Was it all a lie? I don't want to believe it, but there's no other explanation.

Stella's phone buzzed. It was a message from Tristan. She hesitated if she should even read it, but she was too curious. It read "I had no idea. I promise. Meet me at midnight by the gate to your house and I'll explain everything. Please."

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