Chapter 4 - Meet the gang

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Tristan was fumbling for words. He had just instinctively grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving. Stella laughed. She was flattered. She couldn't believe that someone like her could make someone like him nervous.

"What's up?"

"Don't go. Or I mean... Will I see you again?"

"I would like that."

Tristan looked relieved. He let go of her hand and started breathing normally again.

 "I mean, since you are new here I think it's more or less my duty to show you around. Trust me, you don't want to be seen at the wrong places."

"Yes, it really is," Stella laughed. "If you don't take your responsibility and give me a tour of town I think you might become targeted by the welcoming-mafia. I've heard that they are brutal."

"Yes, you don't want to end up on their bad-list. How about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow sounds good."

Tristan picked up his phone from the pocket.

"What's your name on insta?"

Stella got a lump in her stomach. She didn't have any social media. Before yesterday, she didn't even have a phone.

"Actually, I'm not on social media... "

"Really? Nothing? Are you hiding from the FBI or something?"

"No," Stella laughed. "Nothing that exciting, I'm just an international superspy. The truth is not at all boring, god forbid that I'm just old fashioned." She liked making jokes with him. It wasn't like her, but with him it came natural. "But you can use my phone to call and text. Did you know phones did that?"

Stella and Tristan exchanged phone numbers and then Stella started walking back home. She couldn't stop smiling. It felt like she was soaring.

When she reached the beach house she noted a pair of dirty shoes in the hallway. They weren't there when she went out, so she figured that Ben had finally come home from his crisis at work. Ed  had texted that he and Diana went to the golf club, so they were alone in the house.

When Stella came to the kitchen she gave Winston some water and food. Ben wasn't anywhere downstairs. He was probably exhausted from working the entire night and went straight to bed. She thought it would be nice to surprise him with breakfast on the terrace, so she put on some music and started making coffee and pancakes.

Stella was happy. Genuinely happy. She couldn't resist dancing and singing along to the music. She had happy memories from the past, but they were all clouded with anxiety over bills and her mom's wild lifestyle. Now, she had no worries and no responsibilities. It was going to be the best summer of her life.

All of the sudden, Stella heard the front door open. There was no knock on the door, the person just walked right in. She wondered if Ed and her mom had forgotten something, but she didn't recognise the footsteps. She turned off the music and screamed:


A young girl came into the kitchen. She had big, bright eyes and a colourful outfit. She radiated confidence. She was the kind of person that people turned around for if they walked past her on the street.

"Hi," the girl said. "I'm Theresa. Ben's girlfriend. Sorry for barking in. This is basically my second home." Stella froze. She had to process the information. "You must be the new maid. I assumed they would get some extra help now that Ed's one hundred and twelfth girlfriend was moving in. I would love some fresh berries with my pancakes and an espresso."

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