Chapter 12

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Blackwater Bay had a certain unmistakable stench that Gendry found at once nostalgic and abhorrent

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Blackwater Bay had a certain unmistakable stench that Gendry found at once nostalgic and abhorrent. In this instance, distance and time had not made the heart grow fonder. The Aurora cut through the murky waters of the harbor with ease, the carved wood glowing in gold sunlight. It was a brilliant day, not too hot, not unbearably chilly, and as Gendry looked out over the climbing streets of homes and shops, he saw the spires of The Red Keep gleaming as its gilded roof reflected blinding light like a beacon.

It was deceivingly beautiful from afar, he thought. It was never a sight he'd been blessed with. His life in Kings Landing was deep within its cracks and crevices, where filth settled and pooled. Gendry found most things in life were more enticing from a distance. It was only up close that one could see the flaws in a facade.

Gendry's existence in Kings Landing was likened to that of a cockroach, skittering through life with the simple ambition of survival. Even living amongst the poorest of the city, he had it better than most. Apprenticeships, while a modest living, were hard to come by, and by the grace of The Seven, he had fallen into one.

From the deck of The Aurora, he could almost imagine what it must be like to visit his home as a noble. Seeing the cobblestone streets wind towards the spectacular fortress and knowing their eyes would only see the loveliest parts the city had to offer. There was no reason to distress Lords and Ladies with the ghastly sight of the poor, licentious creatures of Flea Bottom. The rich never did like to see the victims of their greed. So they let them scurry about in the shadows.

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