chapter 14

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Chapter 14 💕

* Lightning's POV *

I was running in my wolf form with Tim by my side. We were racing all the way to the lake where Star told us to meet.

Zach's mom is very beautiful, with her reddish hair that goes to her shoulders. I feel jealous of her hair, and I don't know why.

We made it, but I got carried away when I pushed Tim into the lake, we were so close to it that I couldn't help myself.

He got out shaking his fur out, but he was really soaked. I couldn't help, but laugh, my laugh sounded like a snort, rather than a laugh, but it was still funny.

Tim came running at me, growling under his breath. I jumped out of his way, showing him my wolfy grin. He growled and tried jumping on me again, but he failed again.

I bit his paw and he yelped in pain. I barked at him, and rolled on the ground laughing, but snorted though.

He came over to me and bit my ear, I yelped getting up and shaking my head.

'That hurt!' I said whining.

'Awww. Is my sister hurt, do you want me to kiss it for you?' I growled at him.

'Shut up,' I said jumping on top of him, he whined a little.

'Who's the baby now, you are!' I said getting off him, I didn't realize that Star was there.

She was wearing jeans, it remind me of mom jeans. Don't get me wrong, mom's jeans are ok, but hers are a little big. She was skinning, a perfect shape, but I don't get that she is wearing big jeans.

She notice me staring at her jeans, I saw her blush a little. "This is the only thing I could fine, is it to big." I changed back, then sitting down in front of her.

"You look fine, don't worry. We are here to do some fun stuff, I guess that's what you said." She nodded and looked at Tim who was sitting next to me.

Star took out a pair of boxers, pants, and a white t-shirt. "Here you go Tim. It's Zach's clothes I hope you don't mind." He shook his furry head and grabbed the clothes between his teeth.

He went behind a tree while I was picking grass. "So, how is he doing." Last night I remember everything.


After the dinner, I went to go for a run. Tim wanted to go with me, but I told him to stay, so he can help Mary. Mary said it was alright that I can go for a run.

Tim was so mad at me, that he said that he will destroy me. I laughed at him, while I walk out the door. I was running full speed, not stopping for a breath. I made it to the lake near Zach's house.

For some reason, I wish he was here. To feel him near me, which makes me feel alive, but for now I just want him to suffer. I don't know why, but I feel alone in this world.

I couldn't help myself, but I howled to the full moon. It's white glow was lighting my white fur, so it looks silver, sometimes I think it looks like snow.

I was howling when a twig snapped, I looked behind me and a black wolf was staring at me with his brown-ish eye's. I sniffed the air to smell a spice and coconut smell.

I realized it was Zach immediately. He was walking to me, I quickly turned around and left, but stopped when he stepped in front of me.

His eye's were glowing a light brown it look like yellow, but I growled at him to stay away. His teeth glowed and crouched down, growled back and wagged his tail.

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