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You walked into Defence Against the Dark Arts with Jack who had miraculously recovered from the curse Joe had put on him last week. You had made your skirt shorter than usual and as you entered the class you felt Tom's gaze on you. You slipped into your seat and subtly spread your legs slightly, luckily you Jack were at the front of the class so you gave Tom a clear view of the lace thong he had bought you.

You were also wearing sheer black thigh high socks just like Tom had instructed you do. You watched him as his eyes dropped down to your spread legs and he smirked slightly, his eyes travelled back up to your face and he shook his head slightly.

Once the room was full and everyone was in their seats Tom started. Throughout the lesson Tom's eyes kept dropping to look at your spread legs and you noticed him shift his trousers slightly when he wrote something on the board. You heard rustling to the left of you and saw Jack opening a packet of sweets. You put out your hand and Jack placed a lollypop into it, one of the muggle ones.

You unwrapped it as quietly as you could and popped it into your mouth as seductively as you could. Tom coughed slightly at the sight and turned around to write something else on the board. A few of the other students had noticed you and Jack had sweets at this point and clamoured for some.

"What's all the commotion?" Tom said turning around to face the students. The room went silent and Tom's eyes shifted to Jack's hands which were now holding a bunch of sweets that he was about to hand out to your fellow students.

"No eating in class." Tom said and made his way to Jack. He took the sweet bag off of Jack and Jack slowly put the sweets that were in his hands back into the packet. "That includes you too Miss Y/n." Tom said turning to you. You let out a soft sigh before you pulled the lollypop out of your mouth, the same way you had pulled Tom's dick out a few nights before. You looked up at him as you did it and he looked down at you. It made a small pop. It felt like it happened in slow motion but it was actually all over in a few seconds. "Throw it in the bin." Tom said and pointed to the bin in the back of the class, near the door.

You stood up and walked over to the bin as Tom walked to his front desk. "You can collect these at the end of the lesson." He said to Jack. You bent down slightly when you threw the lollypop away giving Tom a little glimpse of the back of the thong.

The class was nearing an end and everyone was packing away. "Miss Y/n, Mr Luke, Miss Jessica, Mr Leo, stay behind after class for a second." He said and you looked up confused. You sat as your fellow classmates got up and left, Tom sat on the corner of his desk passing Jack his sweets before turning to you and the others who remained.

"Your actual defence against the art teacher wrote me a letter last night and let me know that he used to have a club with the highest performing students in his classes." He said and you rolled your eyes remembering the parties that your teacher used to host. Half the time it would end up in him making you sing karaoke.

"I looked over all of your grades and you guys have the highest in the class, so you and some people in the younger years are invited to dinner tonight, you don't have to come." He said adding the last bit, he stared at all of you gaging your reactions. "You can go now." Tom said and you slowly walked to your bag watching as the others walked towards the door. "Miss Y/l/n can you stay for a second." You smiled slightly however, you masked the smile that was on your face before you turned around.

Tom's eyes looked behind you waiting for the last person to leave the room. As soon as the door shut behind him Tom rounded on you, you took a few steps back until your legs hit your desk. "You've been naughty little girl." Tom said, his hand caressed your cheek slightly.

Tom Riddle - Teachers petWhere stories live. Discover now