Chapter 26 || Merry Christmas, Hollywood

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"Why is this a family tradition again?"

Uncle Max questions as we make our way up the Hollywood hike trail on Christmas day. Something we have done for a long time now. Every afternoon on Christmas day, once the presents are out of the way and it's the time of day when people are preparing for the feast of Christmas day dinner.

As a family, some of us head out to walk the Hollywood trail. It's a bonding experience and once we can see the sign, we all run to it and the first one there gets a piggyback all the way back down the trail.

We're a competitive family.

"Just admit you're getting fat in your old age," Aunt Luna smirks as she passes him, and my Uncle Alex snickers.

"We're the same age idiot. Why are you laughing?" Uncle Max shoves his twin brother.

"It's okay if you oldies can't keep up with us," Aaron teases and they mumble about showing us how old people can keep up with us.

"Who are you calling old?" Uncle Reece scoffs as he shoves Aaron and sprints past, as Aaron runs to catch up with him.

"I miss this." Dad wraps his arm around my shoulders as we walk, and I smile. "How's this year been for you?"

"It's been good. Classes are good and I'm surprisingly enjoying helping with the youth hockey group. Don't worry, I'm not going to start watching hockey games," I let him know, and he chuckles.

"You know, now your mother isn't here, this might be the best time to talk about the fact that you snuck your way into the ice hockey arena on campus and tried to deface a locker." Dad raises his eyebrow as he stares down at me and my jaw drops.

"How did you know about that? I'm going to kill Aaron!"

Before I can stomp off to go kill my brother, dad brings me back by my shoulders. "You really are like the brunette version of your mother. You both have that angry energy."

"How did you find out?" I ask sullenly as we fall to the back of the rest of the group.

"The coach is friends with one of my teammates from my Patriots days. He must have been talking about this scandal and mentioned your name and then I was called," Dad explains, and I sigh, throwing my head back.

"Roman taunted me by messing with my car so I had to get him back and technically Cara was supposed to be my lookout...but she was hungry and went to the vending machine," I grumble and dad laughs, shaking his head.

"Did you at least get him back eventually?" Dad questions and I nod my head.

"He turned up in pajamas that had cartoon bulldogs on them, so I took a picture and circulated it through campus."

"I think you're spending too much time around your Aunt Luna," Dad mutters as he looks over to where she walks in front, and I chuckle.

"Does mom know?" I ask, and dad shakes his head rapidly.

"Are you crazy? No one should have to face her wrath." Dad shivers with fear. "But you can bet I'm making your brother watch reruns of my super bowl win."

"I think that's more terrifying than mom's wrath," I say and dad's head whips towards me. "We should catch up with the others."

"What's wrong with my football days?" Dad shouts as I run to catch up with the others.

"How about everything?" Aunt Luna states, and I laugh. "Ok, who's getting ready to carry me back down?"

"In your dreams, little sister," Dad scoffs as he walks past us. "You all know the rules. First one to the usual spot wins and gets to choose someone to carry them back down."

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