Chapter 15 || The Stupidest Thing I Have Ever Done

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Correction...the stupidest thing I have ever done is sleep with my arch enemy.

One minute we were at each other's throats as per usual and the next we're fucking on the floor of his family home during a snowstorm. Do you ever wonder what happens after the two enemies in a book sleep together?

Well, in real life, it's extremely awkward. Inwardly sighing as I bring the takeaway cup to my lips, the sweet taste of chamomile tea floats on my tongue. My boots crunch against the snow on the ground as Cara, Tavia, and I make our way up the steps of the Museum of Fine Arts.

The chilly air wraps around us as we walk, blocking it out with our winter coats and woolly hats. That doesn't stop our cheeks and noses from turning a rosy color from the harsh weather. The iciness prickling our skin as the wind blows the cold towards us.

Winter in Boston is no joke, and it was a big change when I started college. Even though I had traveled down to Massachusetts with my dad when I was growing up, when I started my freshman year, I hadn't been up here for years.

As soon as we step foot in the museum, we're blasted with warmth and we all sigh in relief as we remove our coats and hats.

"You two are wimps," Cara states as Tavia and I rub our hands together. Octavia and I look at each other as if she is crazy, while Cara walks further inside.

"I'm sorry, but not all of us grew up with this type of weather." I scoff and now, with my coat resting over my arm, I keep my hands warm by holding my takeaway cup.

"Houston gets cold, but this is an entirely new level of freezing." Octavia shivers before we make our way through.

My eyes flicker around the museum as we walk through. From the high ceilings to the detail crafted architecture, the art on the walls and the statues on the podiums that date back centuries.

"This is exactly how Cara's brain would look if you jumped inside," I comment as her eyes light up at our surroundings.

"I am not ashamed to admit the truth in that statement." Cara shrugs as she takes photographs of the museum for a project she has.

"You know this art provides great inspiration for my designs," Octavia mutters and I raise my eyebrow.

I smirk. "Would you like me to leave you both alone with the art?"

"Ha ha." Tavia rolls her eyes. "So, are you ever going to talk about what happened over the weekend?"

"What's there to talk about?" I shrug as my eyes look at every piece of art rather than my two friends who's glares, I feel on the side of my face.

"Just the fact that you slept with the guy you've despised since freshman year," Cara points out.

I turn to them. "What do you want me to say? I don't even know what happened myself. One minute we were arguing and the next he kissed me, and clothes went flying everywhere. It was a moment of weakness."

"Well, have you talked to him since?" Tavia questions as we all throw our now empty takeaway cups into the trash.

I shake my head. "I've been ignoring him like the plague. Sitting opposite sides of the room when we're in the theater and since it's only been a few days we've not had to sit next to each other in lab, teach the youth hockey team or have to work together for the professor."

"You can't ignore him forever," Cara sings, and I roll my eyes.

"I won't! What do we even say to each other after that? I mean, we were just releasing some tension. It meant nothing," I explain, and they raise their eyebrows.

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