Getting Closer

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Cold night air brushed past M/n, hanging over him like a heavy coat as he stood with his back facing the back wall of his store. Jeff stood in front of him, wearing his clothes which didn't fit perfectly but were good enough. It was finally time for him to be reintroduced to his natural habitat. One of his habitats, at least.

   "You gonna miss me?"

   M/n seemed to think on it for a second, rubbing his upper arms with some difficulty as his clunky cast got in the way. "... Maybe." He smiled. "You gonna miss me?"

   "I'm gonna miss your hot mom, that's for sure—"

   "Dude." M/n cut him off, glaring at him in faux disgust as Jeff laughed.

   "I'm kidding... well no, I'm not." M/n scoffed in the background. "Anyways, don't miss me too much, I'll be back."

   "To finish the job?"

   "That's still undecided." He shrugged and turned to walk into the trees. "Guess we'll find out." Was the last thing M/n heard him say before he ran off, disappearing into the night.

   M/n stood there for a few minutes, watching the shrubbery Jeff had disappeared into silently before sighing. As he sluggishly walked back into his store his eyes would occasionally gander down at his broken wrist. Something in his eyes seemed to allude to something horribly wrong but it was diluted by a multitude of other emotions. Emotions that he easily shook off as he pushed open the glass door and sat down behind his familiar counter, waiting as the clock ticked by for a familiar face to come from the tree line.

   On the dot, only an hour later Sally popped in, happier than usual. There was some pep in her step as she wandered around the store and pulled things from the shelf's. Running to the counter she shouted out a "Hi!", and piled her things in front of M/n.

   "What's got you in such a good mood?" He asked as he was ringing up her items.

   "I watched thomeone almost thtep on a bear trap."

   "... you have a sick sense of humor."

   "He'th a dick, it wath deserved."

   M/n stopped ringing up her items momentarily as he thought, his eyebrows scrunched up as he asked; "Was it Jeff?"

    Sally slowly began to look just as confused, if not concerned. "It was... how do you know Jeff?"

   "Long story, just know it was pretty unconventional."

   She pouted and grabbed her bag from him, opening a bag of chips after she situated herself on her usual stool next to his counter.

   "So how's that rock collection coming?"

   "Who thnitched?!"

   "Cool it, Williams, I was just asking."

   She rolled her eyes and whined.

   "Everybody'th always in my buthineth."

   "Fine then, don't answer." He snickered as he turned around to grab a pack of cigarettes.

   "I didn't know you smoked?"

   "I don't usually, well not anymore, but old habits die hard." He pulled the wrapping off the box and popped one in his mouth. "Especially when your non-dominant hand is about as useless as mine. I get bored."

   Her eyes lingered on him as he fumbled with his lighter, finally glancing away as he took his first drag.

   They talked for the next few hours, losing track of time as Sally taught M/n the handshakes she learned from the many kids that inhabited her house after her death. It was a little hard, working around M/n's cast, but by the time the bell rang and M/n needed to pull away he had most of them memorized.

   Standing at the front of the store was Brian and Tim. Brian looked rather... unhappy, but feigned a smile as he walked up to the counter. Tim was uninterested in M/n till he made his coffee so he walked past the three without even a nod in M/n's direction.

   "What happened here handsome?" Brian asked, his eyes trailing up M/n's cast.

   M/n could only swallow the lump in his throat as his eyes flicked between Brian and Tim. The silence dragged on till he pulled his arm away with a frown and sighed. "You know I can't lie to you." He said quietly. Barely above a mumble.

   Getting the sense that something was wrong, brian patted Sally's back. As he rubbed a circle into her upper back he leaned to her level to speak. "Sally, I need you to go to the truck." Also sensing something was wrong she didn't hesitate to nod and run off, her bag rustling to the same beat as her feet hitting the tile floor. With her gone Brian got closer to the counter, looking towards M/n with concern in his expression although M/n couldn't help but feel like he was being scrutinized.

   "M/n." Tim said from behind Brian. Half made coffee sitting on the bar behind them as Tim lost interest when the prospect of M/n being in danger came up.

   "I can't tell you."

   "Why not?" Brian sounded exasperated. He sounds like he's in danger but now is the time to play Mr. Mysterious. It's hard to get sarcasm across over text, but that was supposed to be sarcastic. It took them both a second to realize M/n's eyes were directing them to a corner of the store. They both turned to look, and another second ticked by till they spotted the security camera hanging there. They looked back and M/n nervously drew his bottom lip between his teeth.

   Tim walked closer, now standing right next to Brian. "What time do you get off?"

   M/n seemed to hesitate. "Six."

   "Have plans?"

   He shook his head. "No."

   Tim and Brian glanced towards each other, sharing a look before they turned back to M/n.

   "Why? What's going on?"

   "You're getting that ride." Brian said as he turned to leave.

   "I am?"

   "Mhmm." He nodded, just before he and Tim walked out the front door he added, "And you're gonna spill. We'll be back in a few."

   "I... hey, wait!" But they didn't listen, he watched through the window as their truck started up and they pulled off. He sighed, shaking his head. Tim forgot his coffee.

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