Twenty- Three

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London's Calling

I stroke her hair as she slept peacefully in my arms. Finally, no more nightmares for her and for me. I cannot stand fleeing from my home. I cannot stand being away from all of that like that. But for my family's sake, I have to do it. I have to keep them safe. "You are thinking again Lucian, what is the matter?" How does she always catch up on my distress is beyond my understanding?

She placed her head on my chest. It was a quiet afternoon. Tomorrow is the day we are supposed to take Lucas for the test. "Nothing Love, go back to sleep. God knows how much you need it after everything that had happened." I saw her bandaged neck. How did they know about the house? I don't know, how can anyone know about the house which only us have access to? Could it be possible that someone was leaking information regarding us?

"That is your thinking face, and you tend to overthink things," Violet told me. She touched my tattoos, the truth about which I have only disclosed to her. She touched her name. "You haven't told me more about the time you were away, how did they find you?" I asked holding her hand. "I don't know, I think it was my lack of judgment. Heartbreak tends to do that to people." I know it was my fault. I shouldn't have thrown her out of the house.

"You are not responsible for that Lucian; I have broken your trust and you have every right to punish me, resent me and keep me away from you." I pulled her closer to me. "That is, it querida, I was fooling myself thinking I can be away from you. But I was hurting too much. I was hurting myself. I was hiding away from the world. I was hiding away thinking I can hold it in." She looked at me worried. "What is that you need from me?" She asked.

"Nothing now, nothing ever, I have gotten you. I have gotten our boys. I have gotten this family I can finally call my own. I was an orphan Querida, I know the pain of being that. Then those nice people adopted me, but till then I was already aware of the pain." She touched my face. "Not anymore Lucian, let go of that pain. You need to let go of that past. You need to start living in the present, with me, with your family." I kissed her and she responded quickly.

"Lucas is awake in the next room." She said pulling away. I chuckled "So? He is watching tv." I told her pulling her to me. "Luci no, he can come in any moment. And you promised us a trip around the city." She told me. "Fine, I will show you the city but first, why don't you show me some love Querida," I asked her. She pulled away and started to run. I ran after her.

Her laugh echoed through the house as she tried to evade me. Lucas too caught up with us running around in his new wheelchair. He too laughed with us. Then I caught up to Violet and picked her up as she laughed more. "Momma is caught, now what can we do with Momma? Any ideas Luke?" I asked. "Pool," He replied laughing. "No, No, no, not in the pool." She protested.

"Cannonball" I shouted jumping in with her. Violet resurfaced and looked at me angrily. "Look what you did," she told me. pulled her closer and whispered, "I have made you wet." She slapped on my chest moving away. "Not funny Lucian." She looked at Lucas who was looking longingly at the water. He cannot swim his legs don't get any power for that. "Come on let's get you in the water," Violet said getting him out of the chair and taking his clothes off.

She got him in the pool and I held him. "Don't worry buddy, I got you." He climbed onto my shoulders. "Let's play ball, do you like that?" I asked him. He nodded and Violet brought the beach ball into the pool. We spent our afternoon swimming, playing, and lounging around the pool. I realized how much I miss doing it. I had lost myself in the day-to-day affair so much that I had almost forgotten how it is to be a carefree soul.

Later that evening I saw Violet dressing Lucas in a nice little suit. "Now you look like a handsome little man. Tonight, all those girls will want to get to know you around town." Lucas looked at her with adoration. "Momma, will I have a friend?" She nodded. "You will have lots of friends. You trust your mom don't you Luke?" He nodded. I saw she was dressed casually and had a bag for Chris. She always plans everything. "Ready?" I asked. "Yes, let's go and see London."

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