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                            Of with a bad beginning

I looked at the little thing on the bed. Violet had lost too much weight and her being pregnant doesn't help the case. Also, she barely says a word about anything these days since she had come back. Her bump was too much visible on her tiny frame and skin and bones.

I walked inside the room and her eyes opened looking at me. She gave me a small smile. "You are back" She whispered. "Yes, this is my house I have to come back here Violet." Her eyes watered. I do not want to behave like this with her. But she had left me broken. She had made me relive my nightmares.

"I... I am sorry. I shouldn't have asked." She said in her broken voice. "go back to sleep violet. You need to rest; your due date is close. Tomorrow we will go to the doctor to check yourself up." She looked at me with those green eyes. 

It was vulnerable. So vulnerable and my cruel heart too wanted to protect it. It wanted to protect her. She reached for the water and the glass fell down breaking. She looked at me with a frightened expression.

I sighed and walked towards the kitchen bringing her a glass of orange juice and her medication. "Here drink this." She shook her head. "Come on Violet, don't you test my patience," I told her. I am already very much concerned about my business. I don't want to get involved with this too. She took the medication and drank the juice. "Good girl Violet. Now go back to sleep."

"Will you stay?" She asked looking at me. And then mumbled a small sorry. "Violet, don't make that kind of request to me," I told her standing up. "I will cook something till then sleep." She looked at me with a sad expression. I know she wanted me to stay. But, how could I? every time I looked into her eyes, I see the one who had betrayed me. I cannot forgive her. I cannot.

I was cooking the food when my phone rang. I picked it up. "Mr. Night?" The hospital called. "Yes, speaking" I answered. "It is about your girlfriend sir, her reports are in. You can come and pick them up anytime you like to." The doctor said. "Anything else doctor? Any progress on my sister-in-law?" I asked about Daphne.

"No, I am afraid she is the same. Only now she had stopped responding to the medication." It is not good. "Ok, I will come tomorrow to collect the reports doctor." I cut the call. Daphne isn't responding to the medication. My brother isn't a bit concerned about her. I think he never loved her. All he ever wanted to do was to make me suffer. And he succeeded in that.

I put the food on the plates. I remember Violet loves cheese, give her anything with cheese and she will gobble it all down. "Violet" I called she was busy. She had a drawing book that Myra and Damien brought her. Two of them every month since she came back. She was drawing something. I don't know what. "Violet, food is here." She looked up at me with an expression I couldn't understand.

Her hands were smeared with black marks from the pencil. I took some paper towels and cleaned her hands up. "Here eat up." I took her drawing book which she refused to let go of. "Alright I am not going to look inside I promise. Now eat up before it gets cold." She let go of the book and I closed it.

 I placed it with the others on her bedside table. She ate little by little till all of it was gone. I took the plate from her hand and handed her some water with a sleeping pill as recommended by the doctors.

"No, that makes me sleep. I want to stay awake." She always says that and I have no idea why. "No, you need to sleep. Do you get me? you need to sleep and get your strength back for the baby." She placed her hand on her abdomen.

 "My baby?" She asked. "Yes, inside you. Your baby Violet. Don't you want to see him born?" I asked. "My baby, inside me." Her eyes watered. "Yes, inside you. Now don't cry, take this and sleep." I put her to sleep and covered her with a duvet adjusting the temperature in her room.

Belong To The Night (The Billionaire's Love) Book 6 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now