Chapter 9 The replacement

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He holds her wrist, eyes narrowed and confusion evident in them.

"Lower them"

He says referring to her hands and she moves her head in a no, his grip on her wrist to tighten.

"Don't forc-"

He couldn't continue, she pretends to gag and vomit at him and he moves back from her immediately.

"What the fuc*!"

Taking this as an opportunity,she sprints from there to a vanity.

"Hey ! Wait!"

She doesn't listen and continues to run. Slamming the door shut behind her.
Breathing heavily.

Lowering her hands,she stares at the mirror to take a sigh of relief.
Her was intact.

Thank God!

"Vivian! Open the damn door!"

A bang is heard on the door and she flinches for a second. Placing her hand on her pacing heart.

Taking a look at her face one last time, she slowly opens the door.
To see him standing there with an unexplainable look on his face.

"What happened?"

"N... nothing Sir"

He studies her face for few seconds and next she knows,he enters slamming the door shut behind him.

"Don't lie to me. I asked what the fuc* happened there."

She looks at the door and back at him. Debating her choices.

"It was an accident...Sir."

And he raises his eyebrow.

"Well it looked intentional to me. She were standing beside and the very second you are falling....on her specifically."

"I am saying the truth Sir...I didn't inte-"

"Shut up"

She bites her lip, keeping in the profanities she wanted to shout at him.
Isn't he too audacious and disrespectful.

He steps closer and looks at her lips, making her conscious.
Her back hits the mirror behind as he moves his hand towards her face.'s too close....he can't know! Why is he staring like that?

And before she could understand much his thumb moves up to the trace her lip. Eyes still narrowed.

"Why did you gag it because? "

She chuckles trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.
He can't know her way in hell will she tell it to him.

"Oh nothing...I am having a bad stomach.... probably something I ate last night"


He says leaving her lip suddenly like he came out of a trance. Looking back at her, he nods.
Buying her lie....thank God!

"Fine. But you still have to apologise."


"Not another word. You did a mistake and you are accountable to apologise."

"Come with me."

He says turning around to leave and her mouth opens and closes.
Not knowing how to convince him.

Leaving he was gone, leaving no choice but to follow him.


"Ouch... slowly....fuc* it hurts so bad! That stupid girl ! I swear I will kill her !"

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