Chapter 8 The shoot

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I wake up from the beautiful memory to only land onto a hospital bed.
An irritating tube attached to my hand as I guard my eyes using it,trying to block the blinding lights.


I say to only have someone dim the lights, the creases on my forehead vanishing as I finally look around.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?"

I just stare at a lady standing beside me for few seconds.To realise where I a hospital.
Not fond of them but definately acquainted well.

"What happened?"

I ask rubbing my forehead to see the doctor beside me, adjusting the drip.

"A ligament tear, a minor fracture in prosterior of vertebra and a sprained ankle."

I just take a deep breath to only hold in a scream.


My back hurts like shi*. And breathing hurts even worse. The doctor takes in my painful expression and sighs.

"It will hurt for few days....but luckily nothing that can't heal with time....3 weeks at max."

Thank God! I look around to see the place....

Wait a minute.. wasn't I sleeping in that muddy hole last night? When and how did I came here?

" did I came here?"

I ask and the doctor looks up at me from the clipboard in her hands.

"Sir Lockwood brought you here.... don't you remember?"

I lower my head, feeling embarressed.


"It's fine. You may have fainted because of the fatigue and pains. It happens."

I gulp again looking around at the 5 star ambience....damn man this place looks will I pay the bill?

"Excuse me....if you don't mind can you please call anyone from your family...."

I look up at her surprised. Gulping and not knowing what to say.

"There are some formalities to be taken care of."

"I...I am afraid there is no it compulsory?"

I ask and she stares at me , surprised.

"No one? Mother, father....sister... brother...uncle?"

I just move my head in a no. Controlling the tears which were at the brink of falling.
Not looking up at her.

She just nods after a few minutes of silence and leaves.
With a low.

"I am sorry."

I just lay back on the bed. Family? The word was foreign now.
I have been alone since so doesn't even matter now.

I was used to are stronger than this don't need anyone.

With this thought I close my eyes and give in to the much needed sleep.


      3 weeks later

Ethan was struggling, managing work these past few weeks have been difficult. Especially with the absence of his secretary.

Rubbing his tired eyes,he heard a knock on the door and he replies lowly without looking up.

"Come in"

The door opens and closes but the person doesn't say anything.


He says sounding tired.

His Scarred Beauty (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ