16.) I Am Here

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I grabbed the kids and secure them in their coffins, it was the only thing I could do I had to prepare for battle. The church would be a Battleground in moments and there was nothing I could do. I realize I didn't even have a sidearm, this was going to be tough. It's then that I hear telepathic thoughts, 'Apollos we need to leave.' I could hear the urgency in her voice. 'There's at least 15 wolves, several unconfirmed vampires, and humans.'

I can't leave them, because I know why they're here. "I'm not leaving, I have to protect these children." It's then that I feel a small hand grab mine, it was Dottie. "Hey, little lady what are you doing outside of your coffin?" If either one of them dies, this could spell catastrophe. They cannot be killed on this ground not even one. Dottie then says nervously 'It was supposed to be a surprise, but Marcus went to go grab the VanHellsing brothers.' These kids were brave, The bravest children I have ever seen.

"Thank you, but you need to go." I grab her and begin to take her to her coffin. Two humans are coming behind us, they're not the brothers. I turn and I see two nuns, I look at their hands and I see it. One of the nuns is carrying a handgun, the other is carrying a shotgun. 'For the glory of Lucifer the true God of humans.' I use my speed to get her to her coffin. I typically don't do it because I don't want to run into somebody. The impact could kill a human being. Turning them into nothing but red mist.

Before I get her to the room, I finally noticed it. There were no nuns, there were no more priests it was just us, the fight was already over. They were already here, half of the people here were all Lucifer's worshippers. I feel my fists clenching, I feel myself starting to get angry. Was I being played? Did they play me? Were they going to force me to watch as they killed these children? It's then that Dottie hugs my leg as she says, 'They're coming' I look around the room and I see the children's coffins were all taken, all moved.

The sun was already setting and I knew it was time. I look around and I say, "Stay in this room. Don't leave," 'Don't leave me by myself. Don't leave me,' "I shush her with my finger and say, "I'll come back, I promise. Who's the prettiest girl in the world?" She then says with human tears coming down her tears,' I am,' "Then stay here, my pretty little girl," We already have the other kids and they're already in their summoning circles, do you think you can protect her, Ninth Prince?' I look around at all of the traitors around me, I clench my fist.

"I usually hold back. I usually keep myself in control whenever I'm faced with violence yet today, I'll show you all who I am," 'Shoot the bastard' "The World"


We're running as fast as we can to get to that church, it's then that I see two vampires running at our speed. It's Princess Lucia and I recognize that pale skin anywhere, it's Prince Kaoru. They're both equipped with their swords, they intend to keep us out and we intend to get in. I cock my shotgun, "You two could never keep up with us," 'Who said there's just two of us?' Kaoru smiles and says, 'At least you prepared a sniper,' He smiled in Angelica's direction, 'We're going to help you,' Lucia said, 'No, we have to help. Your brother's in there,' Nathan says.

I run my hand through my hair as I say, "We're too late. If only we were faster. If only we had more," 'We're going to do it,' I hear Kaoru say, 'We're going to save my brother and we're going to save those kids,' 'Are you sure we can save them?' I hear a voice, we all turn around and we see the priest. What was he doing outside of the church? 'I was getting food for the kids and I noticed that we had a lot of individuals coming into town. Then I heard the howls,'

The priest's face showed fear, he knew what that howling was, werewolves. 'Why are they here?' he says. 'I think you know why,' Lucia says, looking at him. 'They're here for the children,' 'We need to get to those kids,' "No, you need to stay here," I say to him, "You're going to stay here until all of this calms down. Get every civilian and every non-fighting vampire out of here," With that, he begins to start clearing out some of the buildings in the wider vicinity, and we all make it to the church at the edge of town.

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