05.) A Nun's Duty / A Bad Dream

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~~~Kruznik 4/10/1953

What am I doing here I ask myself? I know why I'm here but what am I doing here? I made 2 vampires in the last century, I think about the two progenies and I think about how they are changing. I remember striking a deal with an angel, but I cannot remember which she has taken from me. We struck a deal and I now fulfill my task. We struck a deal and she took the memory with her, she said I would never remember what my end of the bargain was because it had been fulfilled. I don't question it, how can I? I've seen what that monster can do, there is life after death but there is also nothing after death. She made me watch as she ripped a poor soul apart multiple times I heard those screams and it was so much different than a regular scream. It was billions of voices screaming, and the most unsettling thing about it each voice had its own pain. As if billions of types of pains could exist than the normal human ones. It was that day that I knew how trifle I was in the grand scheme of things.

'Master Kruznik?' I hear one of my progenies is getting my attention. I see them all on their way to do God's work. I and Lilith never could agree on God, she thought God was just some asshole sitting somewhere in the universe making plans and giving everyone their set destinies and making their lives a living hell if he can. I saw God differently, I saw it as an entity who gave us life and wanted to talk to us at the end of our life. I saw it as our best friend who was silent, I saw it as our mother of the cosmos when we meet her we will share our experiences. I studied the Bible, Tanakh, and the Quran. God the Angels it's all the same to me, everyone fights to have petty squabbles but it's a waste. Even us nigh immortal vampires have to recognize that. 'Master Kruznik can't you hear me?'

I acknowledge Henrietta with a smile, "Yes I hear you it's hard not to hear you." I say with a chuckle, 'You're just sitting over here pouting and I came to check on you?' Thank you, you rescued me from my thoughts. 'We're going to be doing missionary work.' I hear her voice squeaking with happiness, Henrietta has always been a humanitarian even as a vampire she only takes the bare minimum. She never gorges herself and she always has the utmost respect for humans.

Henrietta had light brown skin that was beautiful. She had a chin tattoo, it was a tribal tattoo from the native Americans. The warmest brown eyes I had ever seen, she had a squeaky voice and otherworldly knowledge about her. It was a lot for her to walk away from the native Americans and practice Jesus, but she believed in more than just spirits. She believed that was a higher power and wanted to explore the knowledge. That was how I first met her all those years ago.

The only problem was, it was her companion. Darla was not a good woman, she believed that there was an exquisite reward waiting for her. I was upset at who she became over time, she was much older than Henrietta but Darla was never impressed with humanity. Forcing her to go on this trip with something that I did not want to do but I wanted her to see the world and I wouldn't hurt to be kind to people because she wanted to be not because she had to be. I think using force was the one thing that I regret. Though when they come back this will prove to me if releasing them would be the best option. I want to have confident and competent people walking on this earth.

As masters, we can only do so much to guide our progenies forward. We can only protect the world from vampires for so long. We must train each generation of vampires to value the humans of this planet, something that Lilith and Hendrick both wanted. Lilith made many vampires, yet only a few of her vampires have survived outside of her family. vampires mostly come from the newer generations.

We also limited how many were made, no more than two or three million every 10 years. If there were more there would be consequences but not to the degree of killing them. The queen was a humanitarian herself though she is reluctant to admit it she has always loved humans. "It's time for you all to get ready I say with a smile looking at the night sky, time for you all to make your journey."

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