39• Two Secrets • 39

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After managing to excuse myself from Tommy, I escaped another round of beer pong to use the bathroom

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After managing to excuse myself from Tommy, I escaped another round of beer pong to use the bathroom. I pushed through the randomers, finding my way towards the stairs. Strangers were scattered every couple of steps, chatting amongst themselves in couples. I awkwardly stepped over them as I made my way upstairs

When I reached the upstairs hallway, it was just as scattered with people as the stairwell. Nobody paid attention to me as I looked at each door I passed carefully, wondering whether it could be a bathroom. It wasn't at all obvious in this house. Who even needed a house this big?

I stopped in front of a door and decided to try my luck and open it. What harm would it do?

I opened a door a stepped inside, only to find the light was off. I fumbled around for the switch on the wall until my fingers felt it. I switched the light on and felt my jaw drop in shock as I took in my surrounding.

I stepped forward, noticing I definitely hadn't found a bathroom. I was in a bedroom. It had wooden flooring and minimal furniture, decorated to the taste of none other than Jack Williams.

I knew I shouldn't head inside any further after I realised who's room it was, but I couldn't help it. Curiosity had gotten the better of me and I couldn't help that I wanted to know more about Jack. Was he really as villainous as I had made out in my head?

I trailed my finger along a sleek set of wooden draws as I passed them, noticing a rather expensive speaker was the only decorative piece on the draws surface. When my fingertip slid off the end of the draws, I realised there was not a spec of dust on them. It made me wonder whether his family hired cleaners. No teenage boys room could be this clean without there being cleaners. 

The book shelf caught my attention next as picture frames entered into my line of vision. My eyes widened as I picked up a photo of Jack and Keira. In the photo, they were at a dinner. By the looks of it, it was fancy. If I wasn't mistaken they may have been having dinner at the beachforde hotel, the very hotel my father was staying.

Suddenly, I heard someone enter the handle. I froze.

Someone was about to enter the room. I held my breath and quickly looked around to see if there was anywhere I could hide.

I prayed whoever it was, was  just be a random person. A random guest at this party could venture into here just like I did on their way to look for the bathroom. However, I of all people could not be caught snooping around inside Jack Williams' room.

I spotted the oak wooden shuttered wardrobe and ran over to it as a quickly as I could. I opened it and closed it behind me just as I heard the sound of voices enter the room. A sigh of relief washed over me when the people kept talking, thinking they were alone. I had made it into the wardrobe just in time.

"You can't be like this all night." A female voice from the other side of the shutters said. "It's ridiculous, it's not her fault."

I froze as the girl spoke, I knew the voice. I recognised the voice. I know the voice.

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