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I woke up particularly exhausted. With everything that went down with Mark, and packing the entire week, it most definitely took a toll on me. I turned over to find Arizona's side empty and made. I frowned as I was usually the one up earlier. I sat up and found my phone alongside with a folded piece of paper with my name beautifully written on top. I knew it was from Arizona for I could recognize that handwriting anywhere. Confused, I picked it up and started to read.

My Calliope,

You might be wondering why I'm writing this. The past several weeks, I have been thinking about this. I know you've made it very clear that you want to go to Africa with me, but I know you Callie. Your eyes spoke a different side of your proclamation. It was cruel of me to get you carried away with packing and I just didn't have the heart to stop you. I'm truly sorry for this Calliope. I know that you know that I love you, with all my heart, my soul, and literally everything in me. But I just can't stand the fact that you're forcing yourself  to want this. It's not fair to you. This thing I'm doing right here is cowardice. I didn't want to tell you up front for I know my heart wouldn't take it. I hope you forgive me for doing this Cal.  You most certainly don't understand why I had to do this, but I have my reasons Cal, one of which is all I want for you is to be happy and live your life to the greatest extent of happiness, and that wouldn't happen in Africa. I am pretty sure that you won't want to to talk to me after reading this, and I understand that completely. But please do reach out to me Calliope. I will be waiting, no matter how long it'll take. 
Please do take care of yourself whilst I'm over at the other side of the country. I know that you are very particular with taking care of yourself but please do, especially when I won't be there to remind you with the littlest things. Also, don't miss me too much. You won't even notice I'm gone and  just think of it that I'm going to come back. Look after Teddy for me, okay? I'm counting on you Callie. If it isn't too much to ask, wait for me? I'll be waiting at the airport when the time comes that I return, and I do hope you'll be there to pick me up. 

Know that my heart is forever yours and no one and nothing has made me the happiest, not until I met you. I love you with everything in me Calliope Torres and I'll see you in a few years.

Love always,

Shaking my head from shock, I threw off the covers and made a run towards the living room. All the boxes that had her stuff in it were gone and so was her suitcase. I was freaking out. How could she do this? I paced in my living room until one name popped into my head.


I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, dialing Teddy's number and stood by the window, chewing on my nails as I muttered. Several attempts later and she finally picked up.

"Cal? What's up?" Were the first words I heard her say, taking me out of my trance.
"I know you took Arizona to the airport  and I am furious with her. So I'm asking you now. Where exactly in Malawi will she be staying at?"
"About that Callie, she hasn't told me unfortunately. I tried to force it out on her so that you can go after her, but she knew me too well."
"You knew that she was going without me? Teddy! How could you not tell me?" I felt betrayed.

"She called me last night, very late last night in fact about her not delaying Malawi. She was crying, telling me that she doesn't wanna leave you but she also wants you to be happy. I went on, convincing her not to leave but she wouldn't budge. You know how stubborn that woman is Cal. She gets what she wants whether we like it or not. I'm sorry Cal. I don't have anything to tell you. Worst friend of the year award goes to me."
"Hey no. I'm sorry for coming unto you like that. You're just being her friend too, and I understand why you did that. Did you see her off?" I was biting my lower lip and my voice was cracking.

"Yeah. I'm really sorry Cal. If it makes you feel any better, maybe I could come over after work and we stuff our faces with ice cream? You up for that?"

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