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Jeff was now wearing an elegant black suit (everything these brothers wore was black) and had a nice perfume. He was also wearing a gold Rolex. Also, a luxurious and nice perfume.

Everything he wore matched perfectly.

He was really different from earlier that day, as now he didn't seem agitated or upset.

"Uh, hi" the girl said to him, as she knew he wouldn't start a conversation.

"Hey. Is your drink good?" Jeff asked, while grabbing his phone from the table.

"Y-yes... u-uh, are you feeling better?" He turned to her, and stared for a second before answering. Victoria realized he had the same reaction to Ross when she asked about his leg. Were they so used to those things to not even worry after some hours?

"Yes, I am. I... I'm sorry about today. And yesterday, too. We didn't mean to scare you" He honestly said, sitting on the couch next to her.

Victoria stared innocently at his eyes, she didn't know he even cared about it.

"It's okay, thank you for apologizing, though..."

Jeff nodded, ans she didn't know what else to say, so decided to continue with her snack.

After that, only the sound of the cartoons on the TV and Ross talking to someone on the phone in another room were heard. The girl didn't feel uncomfortable, though.

After some minutes, Victoria had alredy finished her drink and cookie, which didn't make her really happy. How could a single cookie be enough? But she knew that Ross wouldn't let her eat more.

Maybe she could test her luck with Jeff.

"Uh... Jeff?"

"Hm?" He asked, turning his eyes from his phone.

"Can I get another cookie, please?" The girl asked, showing him her plate.

"Uh, is Ross okay with this, though?" Jeff asked, unsure.

Victoria mentally frowned. She wasn't a kid or something to ask him for permission. But she realized she was in their house, and Ross or anyone could prohibit cookies if they wanted to.

However, those were the best cookies she had ever tasted, so she wouldn't give up so easily.

"I'm not sure... but pleease?" She looked him straight in the eye, just like she did with Ross that morning. It seemed to work somehow.

Jeff sighed and looked at the stairs, still hearing his brother talk to someone.

"Okay, but don't tell him. It'll be our secret, yeah?"


Just like that, Jeff quickly got into the kitchen and took a cookie from the jar, putting it back at the top of the fridge. He just hoped Ross wouldn't see him, because he'd start bothering about how 'irresponsible' he had been or something.

He handed it to her and she immediately smiled. Jeff found funny how happy she could get over a simple treat.

"Thank you"

"It's okay. What are you watching?"

Victoria immediately felt embarrassed again. She didn't know why, as they didn't seem to be uncomfortable with her watching kid's shows or babying her (not that she really had a choice about the first one), but still looked nervously at the TV and then him.

"Uh, it's Gumball"

He falsely gasped and she tilted her head, thinking it'd be uncomfortable for him or something.

"It's my favourite show"



Jeff then started imitating some of the character's voices and telling jokes about the show, too, making the girl involuntarily have a fit of giggles.

She also found it cute how hard he tried to make her laugh. And he thought hers was the sweetest one he'd ever heard.

Soon enough, the show ended and Ross entered the room again, surprisingly looking at Jeff.

"Jeff, are you going to the meeting now?"

"Ah, yes. I've alredy talked to Williams, so I believe it'll be just us"

Ross nodded and got closer to them, standing up in front of the girl.

"Shall we go upstairs now?"

And just like that, she left her plate and cup in the kitchen sink and went back to him, said 'bye Jeff' to his brother and they both went to Ross' bedroom.

In the middle of the way, the tall man spoke:

"Did you eat another cookie?"

Victoria immediately widened her eyes, and then quickly looked away.

"I- uh, yes. I'm sorry"

"Okay, thank you for telling me the truth, princess. But just eat one from now on. We don't want you having a bellyache, yes?"

The girl nodded and Ross held back his words. He wanted to tell her to use her words, but he thought it'd be too much for now.

Actually, although he felt somehow proud of her for being so educated, there were some things he wanted to scold her for sometimes. But it wasn't really important.

They soon entered the room and he gave her some comfy clothes, and let her pick a movie, obviously a kid's one. She didn't fully understand that, but didn't mind either. Victoria enjoyed those shows and movies anyway, and was somehow glad that the four men didn't find it weird or something.

In the end, she chose 'Despicable Me' and they were soon cuddling on the bed, under the covers. They stayed like that until dinner time, and it was just them, as everyone was busy. After that, they went back to the bedroom to watch some shows.

Ross thought how comfy he was, something he hadn't feel in a long time.

He dimmed the lights and Victoria slowly fell asleep in his arms.


The next morning, they were cuddled like the first time they slept together. His protective arms around her body and her face against his muscular chest.

That was until the alarm woke them up, signaling it was time to go to
her house.

Hi 👉👈

I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Thank you for the support! :)

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